James chuckled when Mary had hugged him, and then got to work picking flowers. It was quite peaceful out in Soul Mountains, and quite beautiful. If someone had taken him in his sleep, and he had woken up there, he'd probably not think he had been kidnapped, rather think he was still asleep and dreaming. It really was alluring. After a while, James had finished his seventh basket of flowers. [i]There we go,[/i] he thought. [i]Just another thirteen to go.[/i] Suddenly, he stopped, and looked around at the others. [i]Weren't we meant to get twenty baskets each? How are we supposed to carry all of that?[/i] He thought. He shrugged. They'd probably figure that out [i]after[/i] they picked all of the flowers. James smiled, and continued to pick flowers. Two more baskets later, he was practically swallowed in peacefulness. Suddenly, his ears heard something coming from a short distance away. It sounded like someone slipping, followed by a quiet [i]oof[/i] noise. He looked up, and started to stare in the direction that the sound had came from. Being a dragon slayer, James had keener hearing, sight, and smell than normal humans. However, James couldn't see or hear anything coming from the area around him. He smelt [i]something[/i], though. He shrugged. It probably was just a traveler that had gotten lost, or maybe a person who had stopped by to look at the flowers. James went back to filling his tenth basket.