The journey over had left Harry feeling cranky and uncomfortable, with a dull headache from too much sleep. His attention, however, was soley fixed on the planet below. Bright lights visible from beneath the clouds. Lilth was a hunter's playground. No sense of moral structure, no real law enforcement. It was a shit stain on the side of the galaxy. After a small role of his shoulder's, Harry pulled his chair upright and prepared his ship for descent. It was a blast forward before his ship locked onto the Lilth's capital, tracking the docking bay as the craft thundered into the atmosphere and down into the dark yet brightly illuminated city below. As much as he hated the core planets, Harry couldn't deny he hated the outer rim even more. They were dark, dirty and less sanitary than the other planets. He often called them slums, at least in the back of his mind. Yet it may have been the pristine white of the Pentos and its neighbors that forced that impression. The ship rattled as the atmosphere ripped around it, the heat of his travels undulating around the hull. As he neared the surface, his ship slowed down, following the signaled tracker into an empty docking bay. He could see very little from his spot in the cabin of his craft. Only the distant city lights and the blinking red lights of the docking station not five minutes away. He couldn't see any life either, not that he expected to. It was five Lilth-time, too late for anyone to be around and too early for the world to start waking up. The hum of his engine bounced off the walls as his ship finally pulled into the city's docking station. A moment more and the hum disappeared, covering him in silence once again. He stood from his chair, tapping a small button on his console as he stood. The shutters pulled down over his cabin windows, giving the privacy he needed. The lights inside the ship dropped from the usual white to red, giving the further impression that no one was home. His [url=]ship[/url] wasn't large, nor was it the small single flyer craft so many others chose to drive. Harry's vessel was large enough for five, with nine at a push. He made his way down from the cabin, feet echoing on steel stairs. After short walk down the catwalk, Harry stopped before a cupboard, locked with the usual retinal scanner. He stood motionless until the faint click of the door opened, revealing a small room filled with assorted weapons, concealable and otherwise. He reached forwards and pulled two handguns off the shelves. One for his thigh, the other to rest underneath a coat. He took only a moment to pull on the jacket and soon as he was ready, Harry made his way down the cargo bay and towards the large door. A blast of air and wind rushed into the ship, rattling the cables that lingered in the ship behind him. Harry walked off the platform and into the city ahead. Harry remained stationary as a figure skulked off to the right, unaware of his presence. He watched her return shortly and quietly began to shout. Perhaps arriving in the day would have been easier... He stayed static for a moment longer, watching the women raise her gun and shout again. Harry weighed up his options and lifted his hands, stepping slowly into sight. She didn't look like the type to fire that trigger without provocation. He rose his hands in level with his eyes and ducked under the edge of his ship, and into full view. "Harry." He spoke firmly. He stood still, with hands still raised. "My name's Harry."