[center][h2][color=cyan]Sage Marie Forrester[/color][/h2] [img]http://img-us.24hstatic.com/upload/2-2015/images/2015-04-26/1430036072-kpcwa2_vdgz.jpg[/img] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/135245916/original.jpg[/img] [h3]☾ [color=lime]Appearance[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]Standing at 4’7, Sage is a very petite and slender girl. She weighs around 95lbs and isn’t very strong. Her hair falls well past her waist in a tumble of curls. Her clothes themselves mostly consist of sweaters that are a size too big and a mixture of pants, leggings, and skirts. She has a few tank tops and shirts with colorful designs and she tends to mix-and-match her outfits even if the colors clash. She has a few shoes though her favorite are a pair of paint-splattered converse that she tends to wear even if it doesn’t go with her chosen outfit.[/color] [h3]☾ [color=gray]Age[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]17[/color] [h3]☾ [color=coral]Gender[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]She’s fairly sure she is female.[/color] [h3]☾ [color=red]Personality[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]Like the colors she loves so much, Sage’s personality tends to change at the snap of a finger. She could be happy one minute then hears one little mean comment and at the flip of a switch she’s angry. She doesn’t really stay angry for very long before she’s back to being happy and acting like nothing happened. She also tends to wander in her head most of the time when she isn’t paying attention and if people try to talk to her when she’s off in a daydream it takes a few tries to snap her out of it. Sage is a night owl and isn’t really a happy morning person until she’s had her morning cup of tea. Try to interact with her beforehand and you might lose hearing in one of your ears. Generally though Sage is a very bright and happy girl. She enjoys helping people and will come to someone’s defense at a moment’s notice if she thinks they are in danger. She tends to blurt out anything that comes to mind and won’t hold back from telling you what her opinion is of you even if it hurts your feelings. She hasn’t really grasped the fact yet that her words have the ability to hurt people and is genuinely confused when people scold her for the things she says.[/color] [h3]☾ [color=black]Skills[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]~ She knows a little fighting from the time she took karate as a kid. While her parents didn't come to any matches they practically gave her anything she wanted though she hardly ever asked for much. ~ While she isn't very strong she is quite nimble and quick on her feet, her small size aiding in this front. ~ She has a photographic memory so she only has to be shown something once for her to remember it however for her to master the skill it requires a lot of practice. ~ She was taught archery as well as a child and has a excellent aim. [/color] [h3]☾ [color=lightblue]Biography[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]To say Sage had been loved as a child would be over-exaggerating. Her father, an Irish man, was a wealthy business man for a computer company and her mother, an Englishwoman, didn’t work. Her parents had not married for love but to bring two wealthy families together. Her father was always at work and her mother was out at parties all hours of the day; that being when they weren't moving everywhere on the face of the planet because of her father's work however they hail from Ireland. Everywhere they went Sage's parents always hired some kind of nanny to watch her. Her parents never paid attention to her and when they did they were detached, not really caring about the conversation going on. Sage did everything she could think of to get her parents to notice her. She eventually stopped trying after she made a horrible grade on a test just to see how they would react. Her father never looked up from his tablet and her mother just gave her a customary glance, replying “That’s nice dear.” Sage faded into the background and even though she was surrounded with so much stuff, she was horribly lonely. So, she took to reading every book she could get her hands on. She was found in the library more often than not. She just loved how she could escape to the worlds between those pages. As well as her new-found reading hobby Sage took up art and drawing as well as photography, immersing herself into far-away worlds she drew and wishing she could escape to.[/color] [h3]☾ [color=yellow]Health[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]Despite spending all her time reading or drawing, Sage took frequent walks just to get out of the house and away from the emptiness that filled it. Sage had always been a slender girl and really wasn't allowed to eat junk food. Even if her parents were never there, they made sure there was nothing but healthy food choices. After eating food that was good for you her whole life Sage never really wanted to try junk food.[/color] [h3]☾ [color=lightgreen]Past Occupation[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]Sage worked part-time at the library.[/color] [h3]☾ [color=blue]Equipment[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]~ Handgun she took from her father's gun collection. She has no clue how to shoot it. ~ Compound bow and a lot of arrows. ~ Her Nikon D3300. She couldn't bare to leave her camera behind. ~ A few sketchpad and her box of utensils for drawing. ~ A few bottles of water and protein bars. ~ A hunting knife about as long as her wrist to the tips of her fingers. Something she also took from her fathers collection. ~ A jacket that is tied around her waist. ~ Her MP3 player. She needs her music.[/color] [h3]☾ [color=pink]Other[/color] ☽[/h3] [color=violet]~ Sage tends to bite her bottom lip and fidget with her hair when she is scared or nervous. ~ She has a habit of lapsing into Gaelic when she is angry, flustered, nervous, or scared.[/color][/center]