Whew, there's a post alright! Hope you guys like it. Anyway, I would describe that as a 'low challenge' fight for Claribel. She barely took any damage, but it still gave her some pause. I was planning to give everyone a low challenge fight but you guys are doing your thing and I like it so go for it! [@Crimson Lion] [@Tendo] Also, Hillan's back, so at some point I'm going to be working with him to try and get a Chester post up. But since he's back and I didn't hear a word from Aldridge during Hillan's whole vacation, I'm afraid I'm going to have to officially drop Aldridge. >: I'll work at getting another fifth player in the near future, but their character won't be showing up until the next Act, which means the current one will be wrapping up with Alex and Vice in one group and Chester and Claribel in the other!