[center][i]"Thoughts are always the openings to new opportunities..."[/i][/center] [center][b]A passage from one of the many books that Armarion has written.[/b][/center] Armarion was relentless he had so much on his mind other than all the secrets of the world and all the knowledge something bothered him he didn't know where is youngest brother was Amare and his close brother Amos had disappeared long ago not to return. Armarion sat idly on a stone in the middle of a park in a city that he cared not for he knew the name but decide not to recall it because of its unimportance due to the situations, he was relentless these days not really mingling amongst mortals usually researching. He had decided to wear a plain pair of normal jeans and a white shirt instead of his robes, he had cast a spell to conceal his sword who was continuously conniving him to polish and shine it's blade so it would look shiny. Armarion was reading a book about birds that he had summoned with ease he hadn't written it but it was quite detailed. He stood up and dispelled the book with a snap of his fingers then he looked around hearing many thoughts of mortals around him but merely ignoring them he was focusing on tracking a trailing thought that he had spotted not long ago. [i]"A penny for the dead"[/i] It sounded like something familiar and ancient, something he had contested for and with his mind racing he could guess that the thought was the one and only Brontes. With a sneer Armarion stood up and mumbled a few magic words to track the direction of the thought. As he did this he also detected another thought well a voice sounding familiar to Armarion almost so near and dear to his heart, it was Amare his heart pounded as he found where Brontes was and he also found Amare in the same place. He scowled then walked out of the park thinking whether he should burst in between the two then he decided that he would simply spy on them nearby and he crossed the street into and alley where he began to cast a scrying spell.