[color=00aeef]Kameyo relaxed a little. She was relived that Arty seemed to understand. He probably had to deal with that sort of thing often at the club.[/color] [i]Wow, he has a really nice smile.[/i] [color=00aeef]Kame was lost in thought just looking at him. She thought about how nice he was being and how the light reflected off of his already colorful hair. Just then the waitress came by with her cake, saving her from what she had just realized could have been a disaster. Kameyo thanked the waitress and took her cake.[/color] "Y-yeah. But only if you can! Not to say I don't think you could, because you uh certainly appear fit. Not that I've been checking you out or anything! Not that I wouldn't, it's just that I wasn't and...oh geez." [color=00aeef]Kame sighed and took a bite of her cake.[/color] [i]Slow down and think before you talk would you?[/i] " I meant to say as long as it's not inconvenient for you. I only need help because I can't seem to move the bed by myself. There aren't many boxes, so I can handle those myself." [color=00aeef]She took another bite, if nothing but to shut herself up. Kame has always loved the cakes here. In fact she was enjoying her cake so much she nearly jumped out of her skin when the green haired girl arrived at their table.[/color] [i]I'M NOT PREPARED FOR THIS![/i] [color=00aeef]It was a rare occasion for Kame that random people approach her. Usually when it DID happen it was only to ask where something was or if she was alright. She often gets emotional when she is sketching out sad scenes for her manga.[/color] [i]She's probably here because Arty is here. [/i][color=00aeef]That made much more sense. He was much more approachable than her ad he probably has girls coming up to talk to him all the time. She had no idea what to think of the green haired girl. That was probably for the best since Kameyo preferred not to just assume things. Unsure of what to actually say Kameyo nodded.[/color]