Jake poured moose some water in a bowl and Ryva a glass and as he was making himself some sweet milk Ryva walked into the kitchen.He then turned around taking a puff off his cig and as he was puting honey back in the fridge his gaze went to her eyes and the spoon he used to mix his drink (that was currently in his mouth) almost fell to the floor.He quickly closed the fridge and took the spoon out of his mouth as his cheeks took on a pink tint.[color=Red]"Thanks I was just tired of people thinking I was a bum and trying to give me money especialy when they can't afford it it makes me feel like a peice of shit cause money is the last thing I need more of and those kinda people deserve to be given money not giving it away you know?I just hate how bad financial issues are geting these days people are geting payed less and prices are going up I just don't want to see others going through what I had to.By the way you have your own band and your really good why hasn't someone signed you up yet they'd be stupid not too."[/color] Jake rambled as he handed the glass of water to Ryva trying hard not to look at her eyes for too long at a time. His mind was going crazy [color=Lightcoral]'So what I don't know what to say so I just ramble I look like an idiot mixing honey and milk with a spoon sticking out of my mouth which I almost dropped on the floor when she walked through the doorway and when she fixes her hair I've gotta relearn balance.What's gonna happen if she flips her hair am I gonna need to relearn the english language?!I go from hardley being able to talk to rambling on and on when it comes to her what is wrong with me?'[/color]