[u]Vestec's Avatar[/u]

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5 Freepoints

The Avatar raised an eyebrow at the Demi-God's display, and then shrugged. "That'll do." With a gesture, it created at [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e1/24/ac/e124aca858ffce551b3947e48752cb3f.jpg]set of armor and a mace[/url] for the warlord. "There. Have fun. They can resist mortal made blades, most of them at any rate, and beat through most of them too. Also, the mace can be used to cause explosions of about thirty feet around you when you slam it into the ground. But don't try to test them against a work of Ferghus. He's the actual Forge God and his weapons will sheer through them with ease, and his armor will resist quite the beating before you can even get through to him. Be careful, Warlord. Arrogance has killed many a man. Try not to add yourself to that list." With that, the avatar was gone. 


-Vestec gave Kanros a suit of armor that increases his aggression, brutality, and ruthlessness. -3 Freepoint

-Vestec gave Kanros a mace that can send explosions thirty feet out when slammed into the ground. -2 Freepoint
