"You're right love, we will... We will... " Edimér rocked Chavi in his arms, grateful to all the kind ancestors to have something to do, something that felt right and useful while Navid worked his own amazing brand of magic over Abe's too-still body. He was damn near tempted to burst into grateful tears himself when he saw Abe's throat move, the dawning realization his 'father' really was alive as Chavi had insisted, but his arms were full of lovely Fae, and there was no time to spare if they were going to return Drust to their family. Carefully he released Chavi, kissing her sweet plump cheeks, a tender thumb to wipe away her tears, and then he was swiftly beside Vandilo, helping to raise the man up over gentle Hibo's back. "To the camp it is," he said grimly, a long, slow, frustrated sigh escaping his chest. "No one can properly tend to Abe, and he can't rest, not in the forest." Eri's gaze rested momentarily on Navid, and then Myra, a grim smile for the miraculous man and the woman whose very life was a miracle, before his eyes moved once more back to Vandilo. "And we can't make plans to bring our brother home, until we can gather ourselves, all our people - and then whatever else we'll need." The young man glanced toward Luca, beckoning the boy over with Bess, who were both eyeing Myra warily. He took a knee before the children, meeting their gaze as seriously and earnestly as if they were grown. And Eri spoke as much to the brave, humble grey-eyed boy who didn't understand the depths of his own strength, as to the brilliant, uncanny little girl. "We're going back to the caravan - but only for now. We have to gather everyone up, see to Abesoloma - and then we're going to get your mother, and Drust. I swear it. Luca, you and Bess can ride the horse I brought here. Vandilo will take Abe, and I'll ride with Chavi and... " Eri groaned softly in the back of his throat, though he cut it off quickly. [i]Floure[/i]. Where in all the seven hells was Floure? The young man gathered himself quickly, not giving either one of the children something new to worry on. "And we'll meet up there. Go on now." Edimér stood to his feet, glancing over the vast space of the grounds before turning swiftly, and taking Luca by the shoulder for just a moment longer. "You've done well Luca," he said in a soft whisper, "You should be proud." A gentle smile made those dark eyes shine. "I know I am." And with that, he let the boy go, turning on his booted feet, whistling for Jasper. Beryl and Pearl flanked Chavi, her eternal bully sentries, and Eri was glad to keep them there beside his beloved Fae. The red wolfhound loped to Edimér's side, his great head turned upward toward Master. He only had one word to whisper in the dog's ear, one command. [i]"Floure."[/i]