The twin fairies pretty much had to stop flying and just fall, trying to keep up with the Katzheer lieutenant. Lii did a good job of it, at least, though she had to wait for a solid minute for Lyellan to catch up at the bottom. Following the Katzheer, they saw the exchange with the Orc woman. Lii fluttered nervously, and Lyellan put his arm around her shoulders. [b][color=0054a6]"You're alright, Lii."[/color][/b] [b][color=6ecff6]"I k-know... It's just..."[/color][/b] [b][color=0054a6]"I know. I get it, sis. But it's alright. They can't recognize you."[/color][/b] The two fairies still fluttered closer to Kalim, though, flying just above his left shoulder. [b][i][color=f7941d]"So, Lyellan, your sister is a doctor, of sorts. What is it you do?"[/color][/i][/b] [b][color=0054a6]"I'm a bard, sir. Well, an apprentice bard."[/color][/b] Lii laughed, despite her nervousness. Lyellan was better than most actual full-fledged bards, at least that the fairies had ever met. He made a fairly good earning at it, too, and he enjoyed what he did. He was trying to get the whole family into it, though of course, that didn't work so well. Gaeven and Mykiel would never even consider doing something so undignified as singing or playing an instrument. Lyellan looked around at the village, the mist and looming trees making it eerie. Somehow the magic of exploring it had worn off in the last two years. Or maybe it was the hostility seeming to radiate from all the buildings, the silence and tenseness of the boardwalks. Aside from the near-silent footfalls of the Katzheer, the minute flutter of the fairies' own wings, and the lonely crackle of flames in a couple of torches by the eating-house, there was no sound. Lyriia glanced up just as they passed Master Longarm's house. Seeing the berry-red door and moss-green curtains hanging in the open-air windows, she flinched like she'd been struck. Lyellan saw it and glanced sharply at her, but she would not meet his eyes. [b][color=0054a6]"Are you alright, Lyri-- uh, sis?[/color][/b] Lyellan said it loudly, realizing his mistake too late and scrambling to cover it [b][color=6ecff6]"I'm fine. Just this place gives me the creeps."[/color][/b] Lyriia spoke sharply, glaring at her brother for saying her name in this place, where it seemed like the trees themselves had ears. [i][color=0054a6]"I like Islahiise a lot better."[/color][/i] Lyellan muttered, finally taking the hint and dropping his voice. To change the subject, and to actually make some sound, because she couldn't bear the quiet, Lii looked at the Katzheer. [b][color=6ecff6]"So what's your story, Lieutenant? Since you clearly know so much about myself and my brother."[/color][/b]