Eve followed after Jurgen. She didn't have much else to do there right now. Though maybe a visit or two...after all, maybe it could give her some leads to her creator. Apart from him being a madman named 'Professor Nova'. Now they were off to find a place to connect her. After a bit of searching Jurgen seemed to have found a place. It was pretty run down. An odd place to find a connection in her mind, but then again, how much did she really know about this world? "Let's see..." The android mused as she looked at the port. "Should work." The cable appeared out of a small hole in her skin this time. A bit of an odd sight if you forgot that she was an android for a moment. She grabbed it and plugged it into the socket. And indeed, this one had a connection. "Good call, it seems to be working." She spoke, trying to start navigating. Though with such a huge amount of information coming at her it took her a little bit to get used to it. After a few minutes she spoke again. "Finally getting the hang of it. Searching now. Let's see...what was his name again?" (Just make anything up. :P) She wasn't even sure if he had heard the name before at all. But once Jurgen told her she started searching once again. After another minute or so there was a hit. "Got something. Also, I need to do this more often. Kinda fun... Ahem, this guy apparently had his left hand cut off and replaced it with cybernetics. So it's safe to assume he'll be armed. Also, he had this done in district 12, so since we're in 10, it's 2 districts over. His last maintenance was 3 days ago, so going there might be a good start. That's all the info I could find though."