[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Warakuma High, Anime and Manga Club Room[/color][/b][/center] To the entertainment of the girl, it would seem that Akane has been doing this 'non-club day visit' thing regularly. Perhaps this shows promise, maybe Ayano might stop by the club room some more. In the other girl's hand was a handheld page of a girl and a boy. The girl is slapping the boy and she walks out on him, he tries to run back to her to no avail, his face meeting with the cold, hard ground. When she saw the little silly scene, Ayano couldn't help but giggle a little, she had been to busy drowning herself with tragic romance stories that she's practically forgotten to appreciate comedic scenes like this one. [b][i][color=007236]"They look similar to those two..."[/color][/i][/b] Although Ayano wasn't exactly one for gossip, especially around the school, her classmates had been talking about this couple for a while now that even she's become aware of it. When one thinks about it hard enough, the sheer silliness of it is similar to what one would expect from a manga. As she looked at the page once more, Ayano couldn't help but laugh again.