[hr][h3][color=00667c]Praeth[/color][/h3] Husband of [color=pink]Tirza[/color], [color=ed145b]Nadia[/color], and [color=gold]Araxie[/color][hr] [color=pink]"As you wish hunky bunny. Do you like that name? Hunky Bunny? Or would you prefer something else?"[/color] Praeth could only shrug his broad shoulders helplessly with a thin smile, [color=00667c]"If that is what you wish to call me for now."[/color] He muttered with a hint of resignation. Disciplinary action would cause difficulties for Praeth that could be further avoided by simply waiting until the proper timing, preferably once the group had reached the chamber. Praeth's irritation towards Tirza was slowly increasing, but he suppressed his emotions. With an inward nod, Praeth determined to take action once they had returned to the safety of their chamber. Or perhaps not quite so safe for Tirza. Praeth put off his pondering temporarily when Araxie finally spoke up. [color=gold]"M-my love, what happened to Nadia? I... I'm sorry I wasn't paying much attention to much of anything back there."[/color] Praeth glanced towards Araxie with a piercing gaze, as if looking directly through her [color=00667c][i]'My Love"? Of the three, she has been the most submissive, and now this, so quickly. Perhaps there is something she wants? That should be fine as long as I can afford to give what she wants. It's not like I intended to withhold favorable treatment to my captives anyway.[/i][/color] Looking back towards the end of the corridor, Praeth spoke in a soothing voice, [color=00667c]"We can discuss what has occurred and its implications when we return to the chamber, until then, I have no intention to voice my thoughts in a place where the walls have ears."[/color] His stern expression did not change but his tone was fairly calm and warm, almost tender. The short silence was punctuated by Praeths heavy footsteps as he approached his room with an expression of relief. It was only when he was steps from his door did his face tighten into a stern frown and he carefully set Nadia down. His aura had been that of a warm caretaker, but it suddenly took on a ruthless, vicious intent, and without so much as a pause, Praeth became a massive blur, the floors cracked under the force of his lunge and the door was blown clean off its hinges with a deafening noise. The open passageway gave view to two Drakken bodies sprawled across the floor and the third held in the arms of Averus, slowling choking out. The sounds of the scuffle dying down. Amidst the confusion, Averus was apologizing profusely to his victim as he choked him out. The butler finally stood and bowed to Praeth as the last of the Drakken lost consciousness. "They crept in from the balcony, I heard the howling of the winds from outside and came to investigate" Averus explained while maintaining his bow. [color=00667c]"At ease Averus. Assassins huh? I will dispose of them, would you be so kind as to escort my brides and make them at home?"[/color] Praeth signaled behind him as he looked over the assassins, his visciousness ebbed away and he laughed good-naturedly as if this were some joke. "Of course My Lord." Averus stood and walked through the doorway with a warm smile, in contrast to Praeth, he seemed more genuine and socially capable. Less abrasive. "Would the three of you kindly enter Lord Praeth's quarters? He will return shortly." he said with a slight nod of his head. Praeth held an orb of water in his hand and conducted three thin stands of water to stem out of the orb and circle the neck of the three assassins in a noose-like shape. As he walked to the door to the balcony, the bodies were dragged along with him by the thin strands. Opening the door and dragging the bodies out, a brisk breeze passed through the room before the door could be closed. On the balcony Praeth held the bodies off the edge of the balcony by the noose and constricted, the thin strands sliding deeper into the necks like a knife and butter, the bodies dropping before the heads did. The bodies beginning to spin as blood spilled from where their heads used to be and creating spiral shapes upon the cliffside far below. Cleaning off the balcony with a hand motion to get rid of any excess blood, Praeth returned inside feeling indifferent. Praeth cautiously heightened his senses on guard to check for any further 'surprises' before looking back to his brides apologetically. Praeth moved to replace the door how it was, half out of embarrassment. He made a satisfied nod as the door managed to maintain its position after being swung closed. Turning to his servant, he addressed him with a relatively respectful tone for a normal subordinate, [color=00667c]"Averus, could you retrieve additional supper and drinks?"[/color] Averus bowed and left without a word, Praeth turned to his brides with an apologetic expression, [color=00667c]"Now. Things have finally begun to calm down, I would like to discuss what exactly happened at the dining room as well as the opinions from the three of you. Then I will announce my intentions. To begin with, for the sake of clarity, Lord Krone has announced that Drakkens will be waging war on the Geminnite country. His words are reliable and it is safe to assume there will be a prompt invasion, either from the South, or from the West upon Gemminite lands. I would like to know your opinions and the actions you wish to take, as well as any other notes."[/color] First looking towards Tirza, he nodded for her to begin, as he was most worried about her condition following what had happened.