[hider=Thomas Sephtis/Hades][center][h1][color=04B486]Thomas Sephtis[/color][/h1]
[i]The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.[/i] -[b]Mark Twain[/b]

[i]"You know, if I had a dime for every time someone thought I was going to eat their souls... Yeah, I'd still be dirt poor."[/i] -[b]Thomas[/b][/center][hr][hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center]
[color=04B486][u]Name:[/u][/color] Thomas Mara Sephtis
[color=04B486][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] Tommy Undergallows (gods I hope someone gets this)

[color=04B486][u]Birth Date:[/u][/color] 9/24

[color=04B486][u]Age:[/u][/color] 19

[color=04B486][u]Gender:[/u][/color] Male

[color=04B486][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color] Heterosexual
[hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center]
[color=04B486][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/color] Tall and relatively thin. Unruly, curly brown hair frames a face set with soft brown eyes, smiling more often than not. His ears are ever so slightly pointed, but that's more of a genetic abnormality than anything else. His overall pretty-boy, elfin appearance is ruined by his stronger than average jawline and the fact that he can never quite seem to get a close enough shave to get rid of all his stubble, something that pains and annoys him. His slight frame, too, doesn't tell the whole story: He's actually relatively strong, but it's of the lithe, wiry variety instead of the buff, obvious kind. As a whole he doesn't give off the appearance of a child of the god of Death and the Underworld... Except while using Reaper's Aura, when he seems to gain a few inches in height and bulk, his clothes transforming into pitch black versions of themselves and his skin turning pure white.

[color=04B486][u]Clothing Style: Thomas seems to constantly wear a long, grey coat and a pale blue scarf as if always cold, though he's been known to strip to his jeans and a t-shirt on extremely hot days. He never sweats, no matter how hot it is or what he's wearing, only seeming to shiver.[/u][/color]

[hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center]
[*]His family.
[*]Arena style combat, so long as no one's life is in danger.
[*]The Elysian Fields and Isle of the Blest- the  fun parts of the Underworld, in short, though he never gets to go there. Not while living, anyway.
[*]School in general.[/list]

[*]Most of his powers, especially Reaper's Aura.
[*]People who judge him based on his father's reputation.
[*]People who dislike his father and his father's duties.
[*]The Fields of Torment.[/list]

[list][*]That all of his powers manifesting means he's fated to become a Reaper or something like it.
[*]That he'll start to enjoy killing.
[*]The Cold
[*]Misanthropes who think it's cool to be angry.[/list]

[list][*]He carries a toothpick in his mouth a lot of the time, and fidgits with it when he gets bored.
[*]Enjoys listening to music, but the taps of his fingertips are always TRAGICALLY off beat.[/list]

[center][u]♦ Happy ♦ Friendly ♦ Wry ♦ Calm[/u][/center]
Thomas is everything the stereotypical child of Hades is not. His smile (or smirk) almost never leaves his face, and he's always happy to help anyone who asks, provided they do it nicely. While he does enjoy dark colors, that's more of a mood setting thing for him than anything else. He doesn't enjoy death, or killing, even though both of those things boost his power massively when he's close to them. He'd honestly rather use his powers over death to prevent it, though it means crippling himself in any long term engagement.
All of that being said, he resents any stereotyping of his bloodline. Anyone who judges him based on popular opinion of his parent or his powers will not be received with the normal friendly welcome.

The son of a police coroner and the god of death, Thomas has always been that one kid you were afraid to talk to, but after you mustered up the courage you realized he was actually a nice guy despite the constant aura of formaldehyde. His constant experience with death throughout his youth would have made any other person detached, but he went the opposite way--life is short, so you damn better enjoy it. While never really in any specific social circle, Thomas was the one that tied them together, and his smiling face and unkempt hair were rarely absent from any school event or party.
Olympus Academy is going to be a major shift for him...

[color=04B486][u]Extra:[/u][/color] Hades is my fave.
[hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Godly Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center]
[color=04B486][u]Godly Parent: Hades[/u][/color]

[color=04B486][u]Relationship With Godly Parent:[/u][/color]
Very good, actually. From what he remembers of his father from his childhood and the encounters he's had on special events (birthdays, anniversaries... Funerals. So many funerals.) he gets along with him extremely well.

[color=04B486][u]Godly Abilities:[/u][/color]
Reaper's Aura: By far his least used power, Reaper's Aura causes Thomas to undergo the transformation detailed in his appearance section. Everyone near him will start to feel a little sick and under the weather, as slight amounts of their life energy are drained away. In contrast, Thomas seems to get stronger and more intimidating. This ability is most potent when directed at one specific target, as in a combat situation, when the ability can rip a large section of the enemy's vitality from them as long as they stay in range of him and they're stronger naturally than he is--a weaker individual will just feel sick. If anyone dies while within range of his Aura their body will immediately crumble to dust and Thomas will have a massive rush of power... Something that disturbs him tremendously.
Death Comes For Us All: For most intents and purposes, a zone of normalcy exists around Thomas. Most powers fizzle when directed at him, whether they're healing or harming, which, among other things, is why he missed a solid year of ordinary school: Laid up in a hospital after a minotaur attack because nothing except ordinary medical aid would help him. As his power grows he might be able to direct this, but right now it's pretty uncontrollable.
Die Hard: Thomas can stay on his feet far after even another Demigod would have sucuumbed to their wounds, so long as he has Reaper's Aura active. Once that's down, he'll feel the effects of all of his injuries instantly.
Don't You Just LOVE the Undead?: By draining life energy from plants and his surroundings, Thomas can animate small, recently deceased creatures to do his bidding for a short amount of time, dependent on their complexity.[/hider]