[quote=dreamingflowers] This peeked my interest ^.^ And I have a question right off the bat. Is it possible for a character from the fair folk to align him or herself with the allegiance or the exiled? I love your signature by the by very cute [/quote] Well the Fair Folk play their own role in the War of the Bloods. Although the idea is that they are mostly neutral, they do/will participate in battles with both the Allegiance and the Exiled. So... I guess the answer to your question would be no. They follow Alden faithfully and agree to his strategies/ideals. Thank you :) [quote=Syris Adonasium] Question, Where will we be starting out and all that? I like to know beforehand so I can get an idea of what the character should be doing, the setting, mood, and if I should have NPC's be doing anything significant. Also, a map would be nice, it also helps me visualize the setting and what the character should comment on ("man, it's hot down this far south, he thought opening up his collar a bit", That shorta shit, you know?)Also, fine, I'll bite. I'm interested in Alden. He's the Fair Folk leader, yes? [/quote] We will be starting 15 years after the Betrayal. Rorick is 25, Alden would be 22, and Lilith just turned 20. The three respective armies have grown and adapted throughout that time, but the chars created should be fairly new recruits. They would most likely have grown up favoring a side, but the law is that a citizen must by 18 years of age to fight in the War of the Bloods. I can maybe sketch out a rough map if that would help, but it will be a few days. As for your question about Alden, yes, he's the leader of the Fair Folk. PM me for more information if you're wanting to audition for his slot.