[center][color=gold][h2]Drizzak[/h2][/color][/center][hr]For a long time, Drizzak had simply been mulling over his own thoughts and debating internally after speaking with Sister Agnes in the dead of the night, away from the judging ears of the others. What was with these beads that she gave him? They were warm, and soothing. They tasted terrible, and for the longest time he thought they were a circlet, but he eventually settled for wrapping them around his arm and tying them there. They looked nice enough. Not enough teeth, or steel for his liking, but they would do for now. They made him feel a bit better. The rest of his time had been spent scratching at his wounds as they healed over, the same flecks of gold showing through from the peculiar healing potion. These tall ones brewed their potions different to goblins. No rat in them at all, or any of the mixer's spit. How strange. He liked it. What he didn't like was the ragged wetness of his clothing and furs. The rain had not been kind to him on the trip to the cave. He was so caught up in thought that he hadn't noticed the chill of the wind and rain until it was practically biting at his bones. He sneezed rather loud as he plodded over to the fire and simply fell into a laying down position. He was tired. Worn out. There were others here, holy priest Vaeri, fighter Fiona and another man named Derrix that Drizzak had not been introduced to, but had heard the name of in passing. They had similar names, perhaps they could be friends. Vaeri's nudity passed through his mind from one ear and out the other, paying it no moment of deliberation. The same for Fiona. People were naked all the time, Goblins even more so. Back in his clan, others barely even wore loincloths around the huts and food-pits. It explained why when he eventually began to strip himself of the water-heavy furs, he did not hesitate in leaving himself in nothing but a loincloth. Then he fell back into laying down. He stunk of smoke and blood. His skin was clammy and damp where it was normally craggy and tough, but inside he felt warm. He was riddled with cut, stab and scrape scars, some on his face and shoulders a bit more fresh than the others. But that didn't matter to him right now. Just a matter of time before he was warm all over. Drizzak turned to the others. "All people okay?"