[img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/e3a9b7c0789a527d1634fd3f31ebc4bc1230998858_full.jpg[/img] Hello Students! And welcome to a beautiful year at Ottava Academy. It's great to have our new prodigies, also known as Arias, attending this school. I assume by now you all know you're different from any other musical student. There should be a tattoo somewhere on your body that somewhat represents an existing instrument, but it looks slightly different right? Well, you can use music to defend yourself. Crazy right? Your instrument is encased in a certain color, this represents an element. And though you may be too dangerous for other schools, we will accept you here and train you to control your instruments. Let's begin! [img]http://s5.favim.com/orig/54/black-hand-heart-piano-Favim.com-517189.jpg[/img] [hider=Rules] Rules: Respect. This the most important rule of the roleplay. Respect my rules, decisions and roleplay. I am the GM, if we disagree then please try to respect my decision. If not then PM me and we'll talk it out. Have fun. Please have fun when it comes to discussing ideas, creating your character and writing your in character posts. Writing is all about fun and not to be taken seriously. Characters. Make them realistic. I want to see well thought out characters, please. I am allowing you to play multiple characters. Make as many characters as long as you can keep up with them. Character Sheets. The Character Sheet is placed within the Character Tab. PG-13. Romance is allowed, in fact, it's encouraged but when the clothes start to come off, either fade to black or take it to PM. Swearing is allowed but keep it to a minimum. Posting. This is a Casual roleplay, I understand that everyone has a life, so when you can post please try to get at least one good paragraph. No one liners or two liners! If your character and another character is going to be in a long conversation, please get together and do a collab. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Photo: Name: Age (15-17): Year: Tattoo: Personality: Instrument & Element: Likes: Dislikes: Background: Extra: [/hider]