[@SwordfishKnight] Dammit, why do all the good people keep on [s]dying[/s] going away? Ugh, I swear, in the end, this RP will be nothing but Sho using sock puppets for everybody. But in all honesty, I'm going to miss you, you scrublord sunovabitch. Bara Trash Queen will keep the legacy somewhat going, and somewhat steady. Even if school gets in the way. Promise me you'll come back you pleb, Noboru and Ayano still haven't fully unleashed the wrath of the [b][i]Wheelbarrow[/i][/b]. [@Sho Minazuki] Look at all those cuuuutiiiieeesss~<3 Love how Ayano's wearing a turtleneck underneath her uniform, all snug despite the fact she's probably sweating hard due to the fact it is nowhere near Winter in the RP yet. Also... [hider=I've found one way to use the lineup.][img]http://i.imgur.com/EBKar1G.jpg[/img][/hider]