[center][h3]Warakuma Shrine 7/5/2015 Thursday[/h3][/center] Rui's trip home brought him past the shrine, he was thinking about making a prayer for his studies before reaching home, but as he arrived... He found himself hiding behind some of the trees. It was Noboru and Chiaki, and the atmosphere was simply tantalizing. He could barely hear what they were talking about, but with everything he knew so far, it can only be romance. As he sneaked around to a closer position, Noboru would spot him peeking out and giving him a thumbs up shortly after the exchange was finished. It looked like there were still some awkward circumstances between them... Shortly after that, Noboru also left. Taking a last look at them as they disappeared from sight, he then turned to the shrine and put in an offering... [color=slategray]"I think they'll need this prayer more than I do..."[/color] [hr] [center][h3]Manor of Creation - Mirror World 10/5/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"So this is the next place... By the way Kazuki..."[/color], Rui turned to the boy as they arrived to the next dungeon. Someone had been kidnapped again, there was no public news about it, but he did see more 'really nice men' walking around than usual... Whoever it was put some of the organized crime in a tizzy, so he had no idea what to expect, but his inquiry held another concern. [color=slategray]"We always come to these dungeons days after they are supposedly kidnapped... Does time move differently here?"[/color], [color=royalblue]"Correct. I thought it not detail to be concerned about. To be honest when I started doing this, I also thought it might not move differently, but as I timed events inside and out, time moves very differently here... I'm not sure how differently, but it seems to suit our needs"[/color], only a passing concern. Regardless, the dungeon laid before them was... Well, only one person here seemed to not be eager about going in. Leiko and Chiaki were praising the gothic design, one out of love for the style, and the other because it reminded them of horror plays and would make a great set piece. Noboru was indifferent, but Matthew was... Not thrilled to say the least. The mansion before them looked straight out of Castlevania. Even had thunderbolts and everything... In which case, Chiaki with her whip might have an advantage here. Well, it was time to choose his party members with everyone else on rear. Chiaki and Leiko were brimming with enthusiasm, so he picked those two, and then... Matthew. He was about to select Noboru, but all things considered... [color=slategray]"This place looks like there could be a lot of anti-physical. More magic might be better..."[/color], he explained. [color=slategray]"We'll head out as soon as you're all ready"[/color].