[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Warakuma Public Library || May 10 SUN[/h3] [color=violet][i]"So if x is equal to 4.5 then y is.... Mmm... I should have paid more attention..."[/i][/color] A certain troubled teen was at a desk by the mathematics bookshelves, whispering to herself in solitude. Due to her melancholic mood the past few days, she had a hard time reviewing notes that lacked some information -- ones she did not take note from spacing out about her dilemma during class. Hoping that the materials in the library could hopefully explain things better, it was still difficult to browse through all the mathematics books for a certain topic she had to study. It was certainly going to be a long day of study at the library. With the first day of tests incoming the day after, Shizuka was in a panic. While she may have had notes from the past lessons that were well written and organized, she had been slacking off from her studying duties to drown herself in her hobbies in an attempt to forget the loneliness she felt. It will pass soon enough, the maiden thought to herself, just as it did the other times in the past. Today, her mind was preoccupied with the exams tomorrow, no room for those other thoughts. There was no need to worry about her part time either since the manager understood that exams are important and gave Shizuka a week off. The raven haired girl sighed and stretched her arms up, mentally exhausted from the cramming of studies. Her hidden eyes wandered off for a moment to see if anyone she knew had come to the place to study as well.