[quote=@kingkonrad] This is interesting as fuck, actually. I will keep my eye on this. I would love to play a US Marine of sorts, in charge of a squad-sized element, someone who has weathered conflict before. A badass, but I always do like to see that idea of cracks in characters which can shake things up. I've done plenty of military-themed RPs, but this seems to take a fresh new take on the genre, and if I must say, the political slant of it too of questionable morality makes it ever more exiting. [/quote] I'm glad to hear you like the idea! My thinking is that El Presidente is kinda a piece of shit- corrupt, takes bribes, orders human rights abuses. Cortes and his men aren't angels by any means, but the revolution is not entirely unjustified. You could be the Head of Security for the mission- as I'm sure you're aware, the Marines are tasked with security for embassies.