[center]Photo: [img]http://bestupnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Best-Blonde-Hair-Color.jpg[/img] Name: Cassidy Denoir Age (15-17) 15 Year: 1 Tattoo: [img]http://www.barneyfrank.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Creative-Tattoos.jpg[/img] Personality: Cassidy is happy and always seems to have a bounce in her step. She's found smiling almost always but can be quiet and thoughtful on days where she's rarely slept. She's loyal to those who are her friends and always tries to keep them happy. Instrument & Element: Ice [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Silver_violin_-_Miniature.JPG[/img] Likes: -Reading -Walking around aimlessly when unable to sleep. -Helping others that seem stuck Dislikes: -Bullies -Being unable to play some days due to lack of inspiration - Random cat naps that leave her groggy and momentarily confused Background: Cassidy was born to parents that spent more time at work then at home with her. She was a rather curious child and loved to explore whenever her nanny wasn't focused on on keeping her in one room or on the red blanket she'd bought for her as a gift. The only other companion Cassidy had was a black ferret her many Emma found one rainy day, Eros and Cassidy became fast friends and are now inseparable. Her power made itself known during am icestorm when she was 14, nanny Emma hadn't been there at the time and by the time the storm ended, Cassidy's parents were home and appalled at what they found. Pilars of ice were coming from the living room and kitchen, random icicles decorated the main room and the stairs leading to the second floor. Cassidy was found asleep with Eros in her lap and a blanket of interlaced icicles covering her. The violin that she found when she woke up instantly had her attention, the strange mark that Emma said was "Unique and lovely" was red now against the pale skin of her left wrist, upon touching the neck of the instrument, the mark gave a faint pulse and a small burst of icy wind filled her room. She revived her letter a day after this, the one that took her to the Academy was her best friend nanny Emma, her parents having been too busy to attend. Extra: Sexuality heterosexual Eros [img]http://www.coopsandcages.com.au/blog/oe-content/uploads/2014/02/3-Ferret-Black-Sable-Mitt_mini.jpg[/img][/center] [@Alawi Nyota] I'll finish it in a bit, kinda busy and I lost most of what I had -_-