[center][h3]Manor of Creation - Mirror World 10/5/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"It'll be fine... As long you know how to use your Persona..."[/color], he responded. Her face plus the whip was a clashing image. One one hand cute, the other hand sadistic... Well at the very least she's quite eager to tackle this dungeon. That was a plus, high morale, maybe it'll balance out Matthew's up and coming fear. Once the party was ready, they headed on in. [hr] [center][h3]Manor of Creation - First Floor 10/5/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] As they stepped into the manor, they looked around and it was... Well-kept. Huh. The floors were clean, the carpet was pristine and it was a semi-bright lighting from the chandelier above the entrance hall. The walls were however, adorned with pictures. Caricatures and silhouettes filled them, the people within were not identifiable at all, but you can clearly tell who and what the characters were. It seemed to be telling a story, and as they followed it with their eyes, they would realize it was like a comic strip of wall mounted paintings, telling the story as you walk down the hallway. [color=fff79a]"Oho... Oh... This place isn't so ba-"[/color], *THUD* [color=fff79a]"AAAAAD NEVERMIND!"[/color], Matthew almost jumped from his position. The door slammed shut behind them followed with sinister laughter. The voice was identified as a girl, but beyond the laugh, there was no more. No words... Like Chiaki's dungeon, it seemed this shadow had more presence over the entire dungeon than ones before her... Not to mention, this one seemed to control the dungeon too. This could get difficult. [color=slategray]"Well, let's do what we came here for"[/color], said Rui, keeping point. Leiko though seemed to be rather enthralled with the story along the wall, and seemed to be taking it in as they went, while Matthew shrunk to the far back of the party.