[h2] [color=598527]Sieghardt Kasumi[/color]- Warakuma Public Library- May 10th[/h2] With the midterms coming up soon despite Sieg's parents constant various teachings and educational trips. Really just one educational lecture after the other, they still made him study up despite the fact that he could probably at this point give questions even the teacher had no answer for. So of course they drove him down to the library and gave him specific instruction to spend most of his day here studying. So even though he promised they still had a back up plan in the form of his various servant watching the exits. Just to make sure he doesn't walk away and say he was there most of the day. So walking into the building he got the books for the subject he would need most help with, that being the lovely world of science. Taking the couple of book over to a table, he could easily make out a few students from Warakuma. One being Alekei that he saw at the drama club. To be fair it would be hard to miss someone that big at a drama club. At his table he heard a somewhat familiar voice helping this student out, he believed his name was Sato. He only had a bare minimum conversation with him, and that was when he dropped his papers everywhere. He himself couldn't help but look at the answer he helped on. [color=598527]"Hes correct."[/color] Sieg simply stated before looking back down at his notes and the textbooks.