[center][img]http://s15.postimg.org/krulxssiz/The_Omega_Event.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rp-freedom/images/7/7e/Ruined_city_w.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/800?cb=20140405012631[/img][/center] [hr] [img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Prologue&name=CGF%20Locust%20Resistance.ttf&size=25&style_color=000000[/img] [code]December 10th, 2039, 9:23 AM We've heard rumours of weapon crates being shipped in from Europe and China. God knows why. All we know is that they're flooding to the bunkers- the Walls, whatever they are- and the city is in panic. Elysium is in lockdown and those who couldn't afford the high entrance fee that only the rich bastards can afford are out on the streets, trying to live amongst thieves and criminals. Elise has already been stabbed, and there's no damn doctors in sight. All locked up inside their little safehouse, I guess. Me and Clyde are gonna see if there's any weak spots in the walls tomorrow. December 12th, 2039, 8:30 PM Clyde was killed today. In front of my own eyes. We set out at night to see if there were any penetrable parts in the Walls, and we bumped into a few guards. I managed to fend them off, but Clyde got caught off guard, and they stabbed him. In front of my own eyes. They fucking stabbed him, man! I just can't take it anymore- it's crazy. What the hell are they all cooped up for? Why does it cost so damn much? December 13th, 2039, 10:17 AM We did it. We finally did it. There's a gap in the wall that we've found, and we've crawled through and closed it behind us. Others came in, too. We're currently hiding in a home consisting of some old haybales and barrels, with a sheet as a roof. It's not bad, but I'm just dreading for the day it rains. Food is in short supply at the moment, but Dylan's been poking his hand out as people have been walking past and pickpocketing them. So far we have four and a half loaves of bread, and some weird carrot looking thing. We found a computer chip inside it the other day, and it's been sitting on our new makeshift shelf since. December 15th, 2039, 11:46 PM We just heard an announcement through the loudspeakers. The reason for all this- for the Walls- is because they're gonna nuke the world. All over the world, there's bunkers, just like these ones, and they're for the rich people only. They see us (the "Lesser Ones" according to one snobby bitch) as imperfections on what could be paradise, dirtying it and contaminating it with our "vile ways". That's what you call egotistic. At least now we're safe- we just know that nobody can know we're here. God knows what would happen to us. They're calling it "The Omega Event". No idea why, maybe because it sounds cool? December 25th, 2039, 7:19 AM It's Christmas. It's actually Christmas. Nothing much has happened, we've managed to get enough food to feed everyone, though. Our little hut place has grown a lot- I'm surprised nobody's noticed it. They probably just think it's teenagers messing with the barrels and hay bales. We've managed to fit everyone else that came through in here, now. Not many followed us, though. Only 3 teenagers. Two boys and a girl, we think they're siblings. They don't talk to us, they just eat our food and drink our water. However, we all think the girl's in shock. Her mom was taken away by the guards because she tried to run into the Walls with the poshies. January 27th, 2040, 11:20 AM The rest of the people from the outside just came in- they've sectioned off the district we're in. Nobody comes here anymore. We don't know why, but it means we can expand our reach, and finally come out into the open. We've already blockaded all the entrances, and we're now building a civilization. The guards have already tried breaking down our blockade- they can't. We can finally live like normal again, as if this whole thing had never happened, and Gillmoore had continued as normal. It's bliss. We stole all the remaining food supplies that the poshies had left behind in the district, and we've got a ration system sorted out. Life is getting better, slowly. August 22nd, 2040, 7:40 PM The Omega Weapon just triggered, and The Omega Event has just initiated. Luckily for us, it won't be coming to Gillmoore until tomorrow. We're all worried what will happen when they finally find a way to get in and capture us. September 1st, 2040, 3:30 PM It's all over. They broke in as The Omega Event was going on outside, and we're in a strange makeshift prison. They dragged Dylan away, and we've seen him with the poshies in a strange white suit. We called out to him, but he simply looked at us in disgust. It's as if he doesn't remember us. September 2nd, 2040, 6:23 PM More and more people were dragged away, and we've figured out what they're doing to them- they're brainwashing them. I saw a computer chip in the back of Dylan's neck. That must be how they're doing it. But anyway, they've said they have enough people now, and it's only a matter of time until they throw us out, let the "weepers" have us. Weepers? The heck is a weeper? September 5th, 2040, 4:19 PM Now we know what they mean by weepers. There's a ton of mutant abominations outside, some humanoid, others god knows what. The less advanced ones they call the weepers, and the rest of them have all sorts of names. They're throwing us out in the morning. September 6th, 2040, 7:20 AM The mutants are closing in on our base, and we've got no food or water at all. We're screwed. Please, if you're out there, just somebody, stop them. Stop the government, stop all the people inside. Please, just-[/code] [hr] [img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Plot&name=CGF%20Locust%20Resistance.ttf&size=25&style_color=000000[/img] It's been a year since The Omega Event, and you're a member of one of the many factions that now reside within the (now abandoned) Walls. [center][img]http://s10.postimg.org/dyhklaou1/walls.jpg[/img][/center] The world around you has crumbled, and different factions have claimed different areas within the Walls. There's 5 factions, but most of the time that number changes- there's new ones being formed every minute. The poshies fucked off and left 2 years ago, and nobody has seen them since. Most of the factions think they've gone to another city, or even another country. That's just about the only thing they agree on. There's a civil war going on, faction against faction, and person after person after person is murdered, or thrown outside to be mutant chow. Supplies are low, with factions stealing supplies from each other, or even cheating each other out of food. This is your home, and this is your life. What choices will you make? How do you want to be remembered? Your life is in your hands- live it. [hr] [img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=OOC%20Stuff&name=CGF%20Locust%20Resistance.ttf&size=25&style_color=000000[/img] Hello! This is my second roleplay here on Roleplayer Guild, so sorry if it's not what you expect. Anyway, with all that aside, welcome, and have fun! [img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Factions&name=CGF%20Locust%20Resistance.ttf&size=25&style_color=000000[/img] [center][hider=Killmoore][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RB3EYmH3xh8/VEWi6kjtEpI/AAAAAAAABvw/h29ekG9ckxQ/s1600/4_MazeRunner_Screen%2Bshot_A_JP_05.jpg[/img] Killmoore are a ruthless faction- described by most as a pack- of cutthroats and thieves; the main cause for most of the factions' loss, in both supplies and people. Their name is a sick twist on the name of the city (Gillmoore) that lies beyond the Walls. Everyone either despises or fears them, and there are some that are so scared, they join them. Killmoore is the lowest of standards a pack can get by far. The people in this pack are mainly people who were criminals before The Omega Weapon destroyed Gillmoore. [hider=Faction Flag][img]http://s21.postimg.org/wp3gp0x6f/Flag_2.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Wolfwater][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/9c02/f/2013/033/b/f/jungle_concept_by_happy_mutt-d5tk9lg.jpg[/img] Unlike Killmoore, Wolfwater is a peaceful faction, full of respectable people living honest lives and making a living through trading and other jobs. Most people think of Wolfwater more like a village than a faction, and mistake them for being naive. However, Wolfwater can be aggressive if it's needed, and they certainly recognize a scam when they see one. They have a fairly plentiful armoury, but it's only used when under attack, or for any other serious reason. [hider=Faction Flag][img]http://s23.postimg.org/5xlmu8gaz/Wolfwater_Flag.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Extinctown][img]http://vankata.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/swamp_color_final_04-copy.jpg[/img] Extinctown is quite an isolated faction, populated only by a group of 5 teenagers who are quite aware of the hellhole the world is, thus the name "Extinctown". They tend to be hostile towards other factions and people, keeping to themselves. So far, any attempt to steal their supplies has been unsuccessful. [color=gold][i][b]Since Extinctown is inhabited by only 5 teenagers, anybody who wants to be apart of it has to have a teenage character, and has to apply for a space.[/b][/i][/color] [hider=Faction Flag][center][img]http://s7.postimg.org/xts8tg3wr/Extinctown_Flag.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Ailmoor][img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/2de3/f/2013/001/1/0/tribe_environment_concept_by_bpsola-d5q1vko.jpg[/img] One of the more tribal factions, Ailmoor owns a jungle like area and live in crosses between houses and tiki huts. They're one of the factions known mainly for trading, and have quite a lot of supplies. This is the faction that Killmoore mainly raid, so they're skilled in combat and defense, their area being barricaded with sturdy blockade checkpoints that can only be passed by Ailmoor allies or members. [hider=Faction Flag][img]http://s4.postimg.org/g2nkzsh9p/Ailmoor_Flag.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Dawnbury][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-l5vE1K_iCvo/VEWi9tOVu8I/AAAAAAAABwA/FHFVwkXL8ZE/s1600/8_MazeRunner_JP_HUT_02.jpg[/img] Dawnbury is a steampunk-like faction, with machinery and clockwork of all types making up most of their houses and huts. Half of the houses- if the owners have enough skill and material- have an automatic roof that slides open and closed. They are quite advanced, but most of the time their contraptions are stolen by the other factions. This faction is made up of people who were previously scientists or engineers before The Omega Event. [hider=Faction Flag][img]http://s28.postimg.org/43tsb1r25/Dawnbury_Flag.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][color=gold][b][i]If anyone wants to create a faction, please use this:[/i][/b][/color][/center] [center][hider=Faction Sheet] [noparse][center][h3][color=black][b]Faction Name[/b][/color][/h3] Name of the faction [h3][color=][b]Claimed Area Appearance[/b][/color][/h3] Written description or image [h3][color=][b]Description[/b][/color][/h3] How aggressive/peaceful are they? Do they have a vast armoury, or a small one? Are they low in supplies? Is there a certain amount of people in the faction? [color=gold][i][b]Does it need an application to join?[/b][/i][/color] [h3][color=][b]Faction Flag[/b][/color][/h3] If you've created your own flag, use www.postimage.org to upload and link it. [Tip: You have to click on the small version of the image in order to get it in full][/center][/noparse] [/hider][/center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Character%20Sheet&name=CGF%20Locust%20Resistance.ttf&size=25&style_color=000000[/img] [center][hider=Character Sheet] [noparse][center][url=CHARACTER'S THEME YOUTUBE URL][color=][h1][b](Character's name here)[/b][/h1][/color][/url] [img](Photo of character here)[/img] [color=][h3][b]Full Name[/b][/h3][/color] Character's full name, including middle name (if he/she has any) [color=][h3][b]Age[/b][/h3][/color] Age of the character (has to be between 15 and 20, can be 20 - 37 if in Killmoore) [color=][h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3][/color] Written appearance (optional, don't have to include) [color=][h3][b]Faction[/b][/h3][/color] One of the five factions, or can be a lone ranger/wastelander [color=][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/color] Overall personality, how they react to certain things [color=][h3][b]Strengths[/b][/h3][/color] Strengths both physically and mentally [color=][h3][b]Weaknesses[/b][/h3][/color] Weaknesses both physically and mentally, maximum endurance amount [color=][h3][b]Popularity[/b][/h3][/color] Are they famous to all? Infamous? Looked up to or feared? Does their faction see them differently to everyone else? [color=][h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3][/color] As with my other roleplay, can be as short or as long as you like. They could want their history to be secret, only known by those they want to know. Heck, they could be an amnesiac! [color=][h3][b]Extra[/b][/h3][/color] Is there anything else we need to know about your character?[/center][/noparse] [/hider][/center] Also, any accepted character sheets will be posted in the Characters Tab by me, so don't worry. [hr] Now that's out of the way, don't godmod, metagame or powerplay, and have fun! [hider=Credits] [list] [*] The Maze Runner for the concept and look of Killmoore and Dawnbury [*] The person on DeviantART who did my character's pic [*] [@CutUp] For the font website that does all my roleplay logos[/list][/hider]