A month passed by, seemingly without any problems. The kidnapper incident soon became old news, and things went back to normal. Everyone worked hard on their studies and their Dueling, and new booster packs came out for everyone to upgrade their decks. All in all, seemingly normal. However, these booster packs contained a completely new and revolutionary monster: Phase Shift Fusion. It would change the way the game was played, and income for Industrial Illusions would soar. However, it seemed like everything wouldn't be all right with the world. [hr] During this month, in a building owned by Industrial Illusions, a meeting was taking place between the current president of that branch and an unknown Duelist. 8 muscular guards surrounded the two as they talked. "[color=6ecff6]So, to what do I owe this... [i]pleasure[/i] of dealing with you?[/color]" the president asked, seething. "[color=6ecff6]You have broken into quite a number of places owned by Industrial Illusions and created a metric [i]ton[/i] of property damage, not to mention beating up so many security guards that they'll be understaffed for a month. Do you know how much this is going to cost? Worst of all, you had the gall to try to break into my office. For what purpose!??[/color]" the president ranted, absolutely livid now. "[color=ed1c24]I apologize, but it was necessary,[/color]" the Duelist replied, showing no sign of regret or resistance. "[color=6ecff6]Necessary? [i]NECESSARY???[/i] What could be so damn important that-[/color]" the president ranted before being interrupted. "[color=ed1c24]This,[/color]" the Duelist said, pulling out a card. The president took a look at it, still scowling, but the scowl was replaced by a look of wonder. "[color=6ecff6]What is that card?[/color]" he asked. "[color=ed1c24]This is a Phase Shift Fusion monster, and the beginning of our problems,[/color]" the Duelist said. "[color=6ecff6][i]OUR[/i] problems? What are you blabbering about[/color]?" the president asked, still annoyed about the damages, but now willing to listen. "[color=ed1c24]I come from another dimension, one where Phase Shift Fusion monsters are common, as well as support for the various archetypes,[/color]" the Duelist began calmly. "[color=ed1c24]However, a certain Duelist managed to get a deck so powerful and dangerous that it killed someone and forced my colleagues and I to arrive in this dimension.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]So how does this concern me?[/color]" the president asked. "[color=6ecff6]It seems like all you need to do is find this Duelist of yours and stop him from whatever he's trying to do here.[/color]" "[color=ed1c24]Unfortunately, I don't have the time to waste merely searching. I have deemed this course of action to be the fastest solution,[/color]" the Duelist said. "[color=ed1c24]I need you to stage a city-wide tournament. Only the top 16 that remain within 24 hours will move on to the final Duels, and that is where I move to end our problems once and for all.[/color]" The president then began laughing, laughing so hard that he was slapping a table. When he calmed down, he said, "[color=6ecff6]You can't expect me to just halt all our projects and create this [i]tournament[/i] of yours just because of what you've explained to me. You can't even begin to imagine the time and money it takes to arrange everything.[/color]" "[color=ed1c24]I can offer compensation in the form of Phase Shift monsters,[/color]" the Duelist responded. "[color=ed1c24]And this tournament would be a good way for people to start buying. Of course, you take all the credit for the concept of Phase Shift Fusion.[/color]" The president was about to tell the Duelist off again, when he realized what the Duelist just said. The president gave it some thought. A new concept in Duel Monsters would completely revolutionize the game. And all the credit belonging to him? That'd make him richer than even his wildest dreams. An evil smile crept on his face, then he cleared his throat and asked, "[color=6ecff6]I assume I'll also get all the help I need to produce these cards?[/color]" "[color=ed1c24]All the help I can offer,[/color]" the Duelist said. "[color=6ecff6]Very well then. I'm sold. Don't think I've forgiven you for the property damages you've caused over the past few days, though. You will be staying here until further notice. You don't want to be defeated, now do you?[/color]" the president asked. "[color=ed1c24]If that is what it takes,[/color]" the Duelist said. [hr] Yuji, Yuna, and Jin were examining a poster about the city-wide tournament being held. School had just ended for the week, and only the weekends awaited, which was when the tournament was being held. "Won't this be fun?" Jin asked happily. "I suppose it's a good way to give the new cards a test drive. Phase Shift Fusion monsters. Say, isn't that what you're using, Yuna? I can see it now, a spy breaking into Industrial Illusions and stealing prototype-" "Jin, please, shut up. I don't even want to know where that's going," Yuji said, tired from the day. Yuna, not listening, was reading the rules on how the tournament worked. Every Duel won would earn that Duelist 10 points, and vice versa for every Duel lost. The top 16 would move on to the next stage, which was just a basic 1 v 1 tournament, with winners moving on to Duel the next winners and the losers gaining nothing. The prize for winning would be the title of "The Strongest Duelist" and a 1-of-a-kind card made just for that Duelist. "I have a bad feeling about this," Yuna said suddenly. Yuji and Jin stopped mid-sentences and turned to look at her. "What do you mean?" Yuji asked. "Yeah, we got this new tournament, new cards, Phase Shift Fusion... what's wrong with that?" Jin asked further. "That's just it. Phase Shift Fusion. Before that incident with the kidnapper, no one had ever even [i]heard[/i] of Phase Shift, and now it's what everyone's talking about," Yuna said. "There's no way this could be a coincidence." The three were silent, but then Jin broke the silence by saying, "Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. No sense dwelling about it now. Besides, maybe this tournament is just what you need to finally get your memories back." Yuna was silent for a moment longer, then said, "I guess. It's just... *sigh* never mind. I'm sure things will be fine."