Some he already had an idea of what he wanted to 'use her for'. She bet it was for some kind of fighting though, as right now that was still the only thing she was good at. "Built for combat as in war, the arena, bodyguard stuff...that kind of thing." She mused, thinking of how to explain 'combat'. "As for how good I am, I have no idea. Many of my parts are prototypes. Almost all of them even. But if the information in my memory is to be trusted, I was built to be at least as good as a top level tournament fighter..." She shrugged. "Hard to tell when you're a prototype that hasn't fought before." She followed Jurgen as he filled in his part of the forms. He also had some money scrapped together. 10 credits and 6 chips in total. It didn't sound like a lot...but she was sure she could make 100 out of that by the end of the day. "Hey, how much would you need anyway, to buy food and stuff?" Rent was still an alien concept to her, but her memory showed that humans needed food at least. And what money was. As she went through the files on food that she had, a different batch of information came to the surface as well. "Er...great...apparently I need food too." She grumbled. "Something to do with an auto-repair function and an energy converter. Though anything will do as long as it's biological." Now that she knew this, she wished she didn't need food. Plugging into some kind of power outlet seemed easier. "Part of the 'as human as possible' design I suppose..." As she spoke a set of forms had also been given to her. It required her to fill in her being either cyborg or android, name if any, weight, choice of weapon if any, and if android, her serial number and owner. She filled everything out, noting down 'adaptive skin' under the weapons area. As she didn't know what she could do with it right now. Just that it could adapt by one way or another, and that it could be used for offense too. "Well...this is the best I can do right now." She spoke once finished, handing the papers back to him again.