[h3][b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m75r54BwahQ]Warakuma Public Library[/url][/h3]	Sato cringed a little when the girl let out a yelp of surprise. Yeah, that was probably a little wrong of him to butt in like that. Though, that Sieghardt guy joined in on the Third Year Math Hero game, so he felt less bad about it. The other people at the library shushed her, and Sato stifled a giggle. He sat down a seat away from Otonashi, tossing his books on the table with an ironic amount of force. "That was inappropriate of me to intrude like that, you shouldn't have to apologize."

	"A first year, huh...?" Sato said, resting his chin on his palm. "If I recall correctly, we're both third years. Midterms are the monday after next, right? I've been studying so much lately my hands hurt from writing..." The boy fiddled with the pencil that was resting on top of his math textbook. There were still scribbles on the cover of it from when he studied with Rokurou, so he picked up the writing utensil and quickly erased whatever it was that Roku had illegibly scrawled down when Sato was looking away. Whatever it was it obviously wasn't important.

	Sato was about to open his mouth again when a tap on his shoulder got his attention. He turned in his seat to see Rokurou standing before him. "We're shoving off," He said, pointing back over his shoulder. "I'm gonna go get me a milkshake, you want in?"

	Sato simply nodded. "No, I'm good. Thanks for the offer though." The teen looked down at the table, just so he wouldn't have to look at Rokurou more. He was so… something. Just something about that guy bothered and distracted him. Sato whipped open the nearest book and picked up that pencil again. "I'm still studying. See you tomorrow, Rokurou."

	The boy took the cue and walked off with a shrug, doing a little walk-jog to catch up with one of the other guys in the group. Sato's eyes ran down the page without really reading anything, forcing him to try to read it again. Instead of grasping it, he just got more frustrated, so Sato closed the book again and rubbed at his eyes with his palms. Pushing the book to the side, Sato turned back to Otonashi, tapping his pencil on the desk. "Do you need any help with this? I think I'm done studying my own material for today."