[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Public Library | Sunday, May 10 2015[/b] Kotori had been just about to say that Alexei didn't have to come by to say his thanks if it was inconvenient when a sudden cry caused her to nearly jump from her chair. She instinctively clutched the hand in hers a little tighter in surprise, looking in the direction of the sound as she did. As it turned out, it had been Shizuka - a fact that, after a moment's thought, became obvious considering it had been her voice after all. Still, the poor girl seemed understandably flustered at the attention her sudden outburst was getting so that Kotori quickly turned away to not put her under any more pressure - even as she herself breathed a small sigh in relief after the initial shock of the surprise wore off. Her eyes quickly turned back to the girl at the same table as she introduced herself fully; confirming herself to be her brother's sister and to be going to middle school, and a private one at that - though Kotori blinked in surprise mostly at the Elena's surname as she hadn't expected her to have two. [color=green]"Ah, n-nice to meet you,"[/color] Kotori said - stuttering just briefly when she realised that she was still clasping Elena's hand from before and weakened her grip. As the other girl however kept her hands on hers, Kotori glanced at it and the girl a little nervously; unsure what to say - when Elena instead spoke up. [color=green]"Eh?"[/color] Kotori looked a little surprised at the question - until she glanced down at the books in front of her. [color=green]"Oh, ah, no, not first,"[/color] she then quickly said, shaking her head, [color=green]"I just thought these might help studying."[/color] Kotoris eyes wandered from the books to the Elena's face - looking at it from just a table away and side by side with her brother's made both some similarities and differences more evident than the first glance had - before quickly turning back down to her hands; still a little unsure about the prolonged contact as she glanced between her hand and the other two table occupants. It was evident that she wasn't entirely comfortable - even whilst trying to think of anything to say. [color=green]"Uhm... s-so, why are y-you two here?"[/color] Kotori finally asked - her voice both quiet as ever and source of her immediate regret at the question, considering that there was really only one thing a student might be doing on a Sunday in the library with midterms coming up.