[h3][b]Alexei and Elena Dragunov | May 10 | Warakuma Public Library[/b][/h3] Before Alexei could reply to the query, Elena spoke up quickly [color=a187be][b]"Well my brother always seem to busy himself in some house chore or the other, so I brought him here so that he can study a bit."[/b][/color] she said in a proud tone of a parent who had taken a good decision. Alexei just looked away for a moment to hide his embarrassment. [b][color=a187be]"Ah! and I had some time to kill so I was just revising English."[/color][/b] she added. [b][color=ed1c24]"Well I missed out of biology because of some work at home so I'm basically making my own notes on the subject. Plus, I'll have to go over and help the other two knuckleheads that hang with me so I am preparing stuff up. Been here since early morning. Did work for the owner a few times so he allowed us in early."[/color][/b] Alexei finally added to the conversation. [b][color=ed1c24]"But I am surprised Shirohane-san, you seem to be someone who is exceptional at studies so why start with a subject that not's on the roster on the first day. You need any help in English? I'm sure we can help you out if we are capable. Elena loves reading up these archaic plays and War era playwrights and authors. English is her strong point I think."[/color][/b] he looked over at Elena who had a surprised look to her eyes for mentioning it, he realized from the expression the error he had done. Insinuating that the middleclassmen was better than the senior. [b][color=ed1c24]"I don't mean any offense. I meant she can partner you if you like."[/color][/b]