Lyriia watched in awe as Kalim so gracefully defeated the guards. She’d never seen a fighter like that… “He’s good.” She whispered to Lyellan. “He won his Tournament. He had to be good to do that.” “But not THAT good… Oh, Lye, what have I gotten into…?” “Don’t worry about it, Lii. You’ll be fine. I’ll take him on, if he hurts you.” “A fairy against a Katzheer. A damned fast one, at that.” Lii’s voice was incredulous. “An angry fairy, though.” Lyellan seemed determined. “Just drop it. Nothing’s going to go wrong… I hope…” When the Katzheer turned back to them, both fairies were intently focused on maintaining blank facial expressions. [i]"Be sure to be completely honest with her, and only speak when she questions you directly. Are you two ready?"[/i] “Who are we meeting?” Lyellan asked, his wings rustling nervously. “It doesn’t matter. Of course we’re ready.” Lyriia hushed her brother. She’d gotten enough of a read on the Katzheer to realize that he wouldn’t tell them unless he thought they needed to know, and she realized that her curiosity would be best sated if she kept quiet and watched. “I understand to keep silent.” Lyellan opened his mouth as if to say something. Lyriia put her elbow into his side and he wisely remained silent.