[h1]Mauven Quest [/h1] [b]Starting Date and Time:[/b] 25th Day of Mauven, 300 DM, All day [b]Starting Location:[/b] [url=http://ebonfort.wikia.com/wiki/File:Tournament_Location.jpg]South of Green Fall[/url] [hider=GM Notes] This quest is open to anyone who so wishes, there will be multiple facets to this. If you wish to join, ask me in chat, the OOC, or by PM. [/hider] The Knights Tournament was in full swing today. The last several days had been spent setting up various bleachers, arenas, and stalls over a large area at the intersection south of Green Fall, east of Scream Watch, and north east of Ruby Banks. The area was a fairly flat grassy plains, and the sun was shining high. The central most arena was the largest, and was dedicated to the Grand Melee. On the north side of this was the long horse racing track, and due south was the archery range. There were small arenas for various strength, speed and skill contests. Every citizen knew of the tournament. It was established by the Knights, run mostly by the squires, and was for recruiting potential Knights. Only regular citizens could participate, and the Knights and squires could not. The system was simple, the first half of the day was dedicated to every event except the Grand Melee. If you earned a top five spot in any single event, you earned a spot in the Grand Melee. The Grand Melee always took place in the second half of the day, and put all the competitors in the ring with heavy wooden weapons of their choice and ordered to fight. It didn't necessarily matter if you won or lost. Many high ranking Knights observed the combat, and it was up to them if a person passed or not. You could defeat every other combatant and not earn a Knightship if none of the Knights deemed you worthy. Because of this, everyone fought their hardest, and many different strategies emerged. Some favored teamwork, others preferred to go it alone. Vendors used this time to hawk their goods, gamblers placed bets, and money exchanged hands through many different means, most legal, some not. During the first half of the day, many of the knights were called away, for apparently Scream Watch was under attack by a particularly large raiding party of Screamers. This wasn't terribly uncommon, but because the Knights were called away in their large column of metal and horses, the squires were left behind to operate and defend the Tournament. And this is when all hell broke loose.