[quote=Syris Adonasium] And username... it isn't a reference to the works of Brandon Sanderson perchance, is it? :P Why yes. Yes it is, ;D I'm glad you caught that, but the spelling is actually "wrong". In the newer editions of the Mistborn series (as well as on the 17th shard) it is spelled Andonalsium (A-don-al-sium versus A-don-as(s)-ium, the way I pronounce it) But I remember reading the book back in my freshman year of high school and clearly seeing "Adonasium".Personal preference, I guess, but enough of me rambling! [/quote] Why, no, it couldn't possibly be. :P I'm like peeing my pants in anticipation for Words of Radiance. Have you read the sample chapters yet? [quote=Syris Adonasium] AlsoBridge 4! [/quote] That's fantastic. I'm not certain I get the reference on the shirt though. Is that supposed to be a Parshendi helmet?