Daemon was dozing off on a bench in the market disctrict, the cars being a good bit away and the only noise around being the chatter and walking of people. A perfect place to take a nap. At least Daemon had thought so, until he suddenly felt a heavy weight drop on his stomach at seemingly mach-speed. [color=#d79d58]"GUH!"[/color] they let out in pain. Panicking and opening his eyes, what seemed to have fallen from above was... A dead bird. The hell? How does that even happen? The guy threw off the pigeon that had so rudely awakened him. Before the boy could go back to sleep he noticed a poster on a nearby wall. That wasn't there before... Maybe someone hung that up during his nap? Daemon jumped off the bench, curiosity getting the best of him. He scanned the poster, reading something about a city-wide dueling tournament... Wait, what?! [color=#d79d58]"...Y-Yer jokin', right?"[/color] Oh lovely. People were going to be challenging him left and right. Daemon took a look around the marketplace. The prize was a Phase shift monster, right? They seemed to have been used by that girl and that man at the warehouse... It's odd having witnessed something so new like that. How did they get a hold of it, they wonder...? Daemon shook those thoughts off, not a good time right now. The first course of action? Go scan the city for a hiding place before the tourney starts. The green-eyed boy does not feel like dealing with this. Daemon took off in a random direction, hoping to find something of use.