Akane Hanazawa // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZo0cFMkmbI]Manor Of Creation[/url] [i]What.....what is this....is...is that really....'me'?[/i] She looked on with widened things at the monstrous being that came out of her. If she had anything to compare it's form to, it would be what one would expect a dark/demon lord to look like. [i]No, I refuse to believe that...that 'thing' is apart of me.[/i] Glancing up, she finally notices Rui and the others. What are they... Not given time to finish her thought, she notices the growing dark energy surrounding the shadow. Alarmed she moved to try to warn the others but her voice couldn't be heard nor was she able to move her hands to signal them of the impending threat. She couldn't do anything but observe and hope they make it through this. The monster than released the energy all over field and used its detachable arms to capture one of the girls that were in the group. Though, it seems that the group knew what they were doing and actually fought back with....magic? Strangely, Even though it was certainly bizarre, she wasn't exactly as surprised as she would've thought. But despite all they did, they weren't able to damage 'it', though they did manage to save the girl, at least. The more she watches that 'thing' fight, the more she recalls that 'fight' and the worse she felt. [i]Am I truly that horrible? Is helping others really not of my own will? Is hurting and causing others suffering what I truly enjoy doing? I--it can't be...[/i] Just when she was about to give up completely, Rui's voice snapped her out of it. It's natural.... that's right, mistakes are common, everyone has them. How could she forget something so simple. Especially after saying it to others.... Shed the person I am today and learn from my experiences... Turning her focus onto the monstrosity, she looked on as it fought and struggled on. Even though it was delivered a fatal blow, it still tried to continue the fight. [color=9e0b0f][b]"How foolish..."[/b][/color] she muttered, surprising herself that she managed to speak again. Maybe her voice and movements were bound by it's power and now that it was hurt so badly, it didn't have enough left to bind her? Continuing to struggle in vain, the shadow finally crumpled to the floor, not getting up. It was then where the 'monster' shrank and transformed back into 'her'. Having the ability to move again, she approached the fallen shadow...no...approached 'herself'. Stopping right in front of 'her' she looked down, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and then....closed her eyes and extended it a hand, helping her up, with the being itself looking bewildered. [color=9e0b0f][b]"I have no right to look down on you and deny your existence, deny that you're a part of me. I'm a fake and I'm quite the hypocrite, I know that now. No, I've known from the beginning but hated myself, not because I couldn't stop but that I [i]wouldn't[/i] stop. At that time, hitting another....being in a position of power....felt...good. Of course, that doesn't mean that I didn't regret it, because I did, truly, but I was afraid that if I admitted that I enjoyed hitting him....no...that I enjoyed fighting him, that would be the same as saying that I intended to kill him." [/b][/color] Taking a momentary pause, she took a deep breath before continuing, [color=9e0b0f][b]"I felt horrified....disgusted in myself for having such a thought...that feeling at that time that I refused to accept it. Seeing my brother jump in like that, like he always does whenever im in trouble, and prevent me from doing something that would I would definitely regret, something un-reversable that I could never be forgiven for. I understand that's what created my 'Hero Complex' and why I started 'saving' people. It wasn't because I truly wanted to save anyone, it was all simply for self-satisfaction...solely to make it seem like I'm actually a good person....to make the persona of 'Akane Hanazawa' seem like a nice, cheerful and energetic person who will always help and save others when in need, just like my older brother." [/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f][b]"I refused to believe that I was the complete opposite, that I was all that you said and actually enjoyed my family's 'world'. I'm, by all matters of the word, a 'fake'. But while that was how it started, I believe that it all slowly became apart of me, like how you're apart of me. It was wrong of me to deny you and pretend like you didn't exist. I'm sorry, from here on, I promise to be more honest with myself and show the real me and will no longer be ashamed of who I am and shackled by what I've done. I'll accept it all, I'll accept you, let's start over and be a new me, yea?"[/b][/color] [b]"Who knew you'd turn into such a softy!"[/b] [color=9e0b0f][b]"Ah, Shut the hell up."[/b][/color] Sharing a laugh, the shadow took Akane's hand as she started fading away. [b]"Don't let 'us' down, ya hear?"[/b] With a grin, the shadow was gone. It was then a card floated down and right into her hands, breaking into pieces upon contact. Appearing in front of her was a tall and mysterious warrior carrying a massive Halberd, covered in black and red and donning a cape while covering its face with a 'mask'. It had demon like hands and feminine like qualities. "[url=http://i.imgur.com/80pu9H8.png]Persona[/url]" It soon faded away, enveloping Akane in it's light. Body feeling heavy with fatigue and consciousness fading. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Ahh, I think I'm just.....going....to....lay down for a-" [/b][/color] Collapsing onto the ground, she was out like a light.