[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Warakuma Public Library || May 10 SUN[/h3] After some period of time full of puzzled expression, aggressive scribbles of math solutions, and finally understanding the concepts she had missed during class, Shizuka released a short sigh of relief, a little more confident about taking the exams the week after the oncoming one. Feeling a little strain on her lower back and stiffness on her shoulders for leaning forward while the study session, the female student straightened out her posture and stretched her shoulders backward slightly. [color=violet]"T-That's alright, I suppose we've covered most of what I haven't gotten on my own. I'm truly grateful for the time you've given to help me, Hashimoto-senpai!"[/color] While she herself was exhausted from the long session of math, she properly bowed a bow of appreciation, with a flash of smile a little more expressive than her usual soft, shy one. As she finalized some notes that the boy had passed to her by writing her own little note onto it, her attention was turned back towards the upperclassman with a pique of interest. Wondering what sort of question he was going to throw at her, her hidden gaze focused to the other until he ended his statement, just to be disregarded by the male himself. Letting out a thoughtful hum as she pondered on the confusing statement, Shizuka took a pause of silence despite Sato's change of topic. [color=violet]"Hm... That sounds like an... [i]unusual[/i] case. I myself haven't experienced such so, hy-hypothetically speaking, if I enjoy their company, could it not lead to liking the person at some point in time? But if it was at the point of simply [i]tolerating[/i] them, I suppose, ....I-I'm not sure what I would do for myself but, I wouldn't recommend pursuing such relationship."[/color] Tilting her head in thought, her voice sounded unsure throughout her response but sounded confident at the last phrase. Since it would be rude or inappropriate to pry into private matters that had caused him to ask such questions, she withheld the questions at the back of her mind.