In front of Daelstadht Academy, a black car with tinted windows drove up and stopped in front of the main entrance. From the driver's seat, a young woman in a black suit, not unlike those one would expect to see from the secret service or personal security, exited the car and moved to the back passenger seat and opened the door. "Miss Averyonna... Miss Averyonna, it's time to get up." the lady said as she gently shook her passenger. In the back seat, the young vampire let out a yawn and slowly opened her eyes. She was not used to being awake during the daytime at all. Vampires slept during the day and remained active at night. But the family of vampires that had changed her had enrolled her in an exchange program for some human school that was accepting students of a more... mythical persuasion. So she was working on changing her sleeping habits, though it was a tough process. As she moved to get out of the car, her driver unfolded an umbrella to protect her from the sunlight and handed it to the young girl before going to get Amelia's luggage. Amelia herself looked around at her surroundings while rubbing the sleep from her eyes. To those who where passing by, she must've made quite a sight. Physically, she looked to be younger then all the students here by around three or four years, with pale skin, bright scarlet eyes, and midlength golden blond hair held back in a ponytail. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt that matched her eyes, a pair of light blue jeans, and a pair of sandals on her feet. Probably the most stand out feature about her though was the pair of wings coming out of her back. The limbs seemed skeletal with six crystals hanging from each wing. Each crystal was a different color: white, red, silver, green, blue, and dark purple. After her luggage was retrieved, Amelia followed her driver into the school and to one of the staff members that was there to help the new arrivals. As her driver left and the staff member led Amelia to her room while Amelia pulled her luggage along. As they moved through the halls, she glanced around nervously. There were several students already here but for the time being, she didn't interact with them. Once they had arrived at her room and she had been informed of the orientation, Amelia thanked the staff member before entering her room. Inside, it was completely pitch black but Amelia could see just fine. There seemed to be the basic commodeties, but the one thing she was happy to see was her coffin from back home. It was rather big for someone her size but that was to give her room to sleep on her sides so she wasn't resting on her wings all the time. After taking a few minutes, she had her belongings in their proper places and finally left her room, bringing only her umbrella with her to block out any possible sunlight. As she moved through the halls, Amelia watched everyone around her. The humans held little interest to her. She had been one, so she knew what she needed to know about them as far as she was concerned. Her interest was in learning the scents of all the other species present. She had no interest in interacting with them for the time being, but knowing each ones scent would e important incase any tried to sneak up on her or she needed to find a member of a particular species.