[color=8882be][h3]Malinal[/h3][/color] It was a while after Aelonya recommended her a knife before the thought [color=8882be][i]Ah, shit, I forgot to bring one[/i][/color] echoed somewhere in Mali's brain. The experience would be accompanied with a handful of others of a very similar nature over the coming days. For the moment, she still felt confident that she had everything she really needed, and Malinal's alleged demonhood would remain unconfirmed- She passed the question off as a quip. It was the second mention of the label that finally tipped her off to the fact that the handy lady really didn't have any idea what Malinal was. She let go of the human- They seemed pretty placid, thought Mali personally, and she'd honestly love to hear what kinds of things they'd ask- and tapped her chin with a long finger, thinking. [color=8882be]"Oh- Oh, nah, I can't vault planes on my own yet, I'm not old enough. Besides, the round trip up and down again still takes [i]way[/i] longer than walking, and I have the absolute nicest legs for that anyway."[/color] She spun another little pirouette on a bird-toed heel, still puzzling how to unravel Aelonya's confusion. [color=8882be]"Hey, Aelo, are you from Earth or Heaven? You sound just about weird enough to be some kind of Earthling- Seriously, you laugh like a choking turkey- So, uh, I guess you don't see my sisters very often. We're the tzitzimitl."[/color] She paused, not really knowing what to explain first, then burst out laughing. [color=8882be]"Space skeleton midwives! Bet your species doesn't make nearly such a good band name!"[/color] She'd forgotten to keep walking, but the curtained and strutted building was easily in view, collecting something of a loose crowd. Not familiar with human construction procedures, Mali thought it looked rather out of place alongside the other buildings, but much more fun to climb. She determined to try that out when she saw an opportunity. [@gaudi]