[color=00a651]"Well, here we are. Welcome to Daelstadht Academy."[/color] Zaira Sedree extracted herself from the sporty red convertible, stretching out her glossy wings after the long trip and getting a good look at the front doors for the first time. A mixture of apprehension and nausea settled in the bottom of her stomach as her human companion, an older woman in her early 20's wearing a simple tank top and jeans, came around to the trunk to lug the suitcases out. [color=00a651]"All right there, Z?"[/color] the woman said in the sharp, staccato Insectoid language. [color=00a651]"J-just a little nervous and a lot excited, Ms. Cooper,"[/color] Zaira stammered. [color=00a651]"I'm not the schoolmaster, Z, just call me Morgan."[/color] [color=00a651]"Oh sorry, I keep forgetting,"[/color] Zaira said with a giggle, before hovering over to help unload the car. Together the pair of them managed to unload the truck and carry Zaira's luggage up to the front door of the academy and prepared to go inside. [color=00a651]"I feel like I'm going to wake up from a very good dream any second now,"[/color] Zaira admitted at last. [color=00a651]"Did you feel this excited on your first day at the academy?"[/color] [color=00a651]"Hell no, I hated my old school,"[/color] Morgan said with an air of disgust. [color=00a651]"But I heard this one's pretty good, at least based on how badly my dad tried to get you in on this."[/color] [color=00a651] "Oh yes, because my father saved your dad's life when he was lost in Bangledesh, right?"[/color] [color=00a651]"And he hasn't shut up about it since,"[/color] Morgan uttered disdainfully, shouldering the door open and ushering her inside. Following behind her at a snail's pace, Zaira took in all the sights and sounds of the new students coming and going. There were a lot of humans like Morgan, but there were many others coated with scales and fur and with all sorts of strange looks to them. Confined to her small town for much of her life, Zaira didn't know what any of them were called, and desperately wanted to learn what they were. Soon she came to the pleasant realization that a lot of the other students were staring back at her, some with amusement or annoyance but some with the same sense of wonder as she was. Zaira grinned, and in her happiness she took off from the ground and started hovering instead of walking, her wings fluttering rapidly. She came down quickly though, since the weight of two heavy suitcases was a bit too heavy to allow for long-term flying, at least at her age. "Zaira Sedree?" came a stern yet soothing voice from nearby. Zaira and Morgan turned to look at an official looking woman striding towards them dressed in a forest green tunic and dress pants and a clipboard in her hand. A tall woman with a stern, matronly look to her, she was entirely bald with yellow, chitinous skin like an Insectoid, but with piercing yellow eyes to match her skin tone instead of the usual pure black. When she opened her mouth to speak, Zaira caught a glimpse of her sharpened teeth as well. "Ooh, I see we had to repeat a year or two," the woman said to Morgan, a lilting tone of sarcasm hidden in her voice. "Repeat a...HEY, I'm not the student, she is!" Morgan said indignantly, jerking her head in the Insectoid girl's direction. The woman fixed her eyes on Zaira as the younger girl began a well-rehearsed speech. "Hello, my name is Zaira Sedree," she said cautiously but firmly. "I'm from the town of Narruz-Xan in Southeast Asia and I am very happy to be attending Daelstadht Academy!" "How long have you been speaking English, Ms. Sedree?" the woman asked her. "Er....about five months, ma'am." "I see. Very impressive," the woman said with a reassuring smile, making a note on her clipboard. "In response to your question, we will be meeting shortly for an orientation in the Eastern Dormitory common room. Do you need help with your luggage?" "No, thank you, I only have the four suitcases, one for each hand. Nothing I am unable to handle." "Very well then, I'll see you in the common room shortly, Ms. Sedree." [color=00a651]"Did you see that? I totally conquered humanspeak!"[/color] Zaira said excitedly to Morgan as the woman walked off to speak to another student. [color=00a651] "Little trouble with the genders, but otherwise, yeah you went Genghis Khan on the English language,"[/color] Morgan mused, setting down a suitcase to reach into her pocket. [color=00a651]"Got something for you, by the way. A little first day present from me and dad."[/color] [color=00a651]"Ooh, what is it?"[/color] Zaira asked eagerly, looking over the small rectangular device Morgan handed to her. [color=00a651]"It's a combination music player and a phone, in case you need to call us for anything,"[/color] Morgan explained. [color=00a651]"Dad hid some headphones in your suitcase and I loaded that with some songs I think you would like."[/color] [color=00a651]"Thank you so much!"[/color] Zaira said, barely able to contain her enthusiasm as the pair of them hugged before Morgan handed off the suitcases to her and started for the exit. [color=00a651]"We'll call you in a week to see how you're getting along,"[/color] Morgan shouted as she departed. [color=00a651]"Walk with the ancestors, daughter of Zhia!"[/color] "Cheerio!" Zaira called after her in English, pleased that Morgan had finally gotten the formal Insectoid goodbye correct without descending into a coughing fit. Taking a suitcase in each hand with only a little difficulty, Zaira began to scurry towards the East Dormitories.