[quote=@1Charak2] name this exceptions... [/quote] Alrighty. Ethel couldn't handle loss well, which is a show of pretty bad sportsmanship, as well as threatening her opponent afterwards, so I'd imagine she'd either be Earth, or barely make Wind. That being said, just from the duel, Ethel probably could have turned it around easy enough if she got Ally Salvo. Their duel was pretty close, so I'd say she's Wind just from the match. Hayato had the worst damn luck I've seen from the RNG. I really don't know how to rate that. Megan was even with Haas for almost all of their duel, making it a battle of attrition, so it'd make sense that both'd probably go to the same dorm regardless of Earth or Wind. Clementine might be an exception, given the only damage she took was from attacking Kageki. I don't really know how to rate that duel in terms of skill though, since it felt like, for the most part, Hayato had shit RNG. Yin and Michelle...holy fuck, if they don't make light, Imma be mad. That duel was one of the most fair, and the most theatrical. Like, hot damn, I was hoping EVERYONE'S duels'd be like that, reading through them. I just wish people didn't surrender these. Vincent did pretty solid, did some good plays. I really don't know what else to say beyond that. Venwyn's a fuckin' ninja, and therefore could probably live in any dorm without ANYBODY noticing. But from the duel itself, I'd say that it was insanely close, and that he could probably make light just from how well he did up until the very last turn, where Geargia's grinded his gears. I think that just about covered everyone. Since I'm not that bright, lemme know if anybody has any counter-points/opinions to these.