[hr][center][h3][b]{ STARDATE REDACTED }[/b][/h3][/center]
[center][b]The Hole (14:00 ST)[/b][/center]

This wouldn’t have been the first time Jade Scott had worked away from what she had gotten comfortable with. After all, that was exactly what she did when she reached adulthood on her planet— searching the galaxy to live up to the “Alan Scott” standard. During those formative years she traveled from planet to planet helping people however she could and risking all that she had against ridiculous odds. Her willpower and tenacity is why she thought she was selected by the Lantern Corps, she didn’t realize it had been under the request of her father that she should be considered. She never understood why the Guardians would take a suggestion as a reason to induct someone into holding a great responsibility for the universe at large. She wasn’t fodder, she wasn’t a contrived or superfluous addition to the corps and they would have to see that.

She refused to be looked down upon because they thought they were doing a favor to Alan Scott.

Jade tightened the clothes on her back, it was weird not going in flying the flags of green and black with the logo of the corps on her chest but this was borderline sketchy territory that was way too close to Vega space for comfort; she needed to look like someone that wasn’t trying to be an authority figure. She knew what it was like on Vega, she had met one of her closest friends, M’gann M’orzz, fighting off slavers on Dredfahl. That was before she was a Green Lantern; it felt so long ago. Jade had stayed in contact since she left to become a Green Lantern, though it had become difficult with how the martian liked to jump from one space station to the other— blending in with the populace and avoiding the bounty hunters that were thrown at her due to her efforts to stop slaver operations in that part of galactic space.

That was one of the reasons Jade had made her way to The Hole, otherwise known as “Hardcore Station”.

Hardcore Station was like many other “outposts” in-between actual provincial space with the degree of lawlessness and black market trade. Lanterns and Novas were attacked on sight, notable bounty hunters were watched cautiously, and generally anyone who thought they had any sort of authority were blasted to the next star quadrant as soon as they came out of hyperspace. It’s one reason Jade had to opt to taking public transport to Hardcore Station, though she didn’t particularly mind despite the immediacy and importance of her mission. Hell, her father hadn’t left her mind since she decided to go look for him “off-the-grid”. As a Green Lantern she wasn’t ‘mandated’ to investigate but if she ran into trouble and clues in the process of patrol she was not directly forbidden to pursue it. A procedural loophole as it were.

As the transport ship’s docking doors swung open the green-skinned girl could feel an awkward anxiety overtake her. She took a deep breath as she tightened the black gloves she held over her hands— the absence of the lantern ring making her feel awkward as she reached down to her utility belt where she stored it for a second before instead shuffling her hand in her pockets. She looked down to the energy pistol she had holstered on her side. She hadn’t fired a mundane weapon in so long, it almost felt fake to her as she walked forward as she tightened her nanoweave jacket. But it was better to be ‘undercover’ than to cause a stir that led to a firefight that she really couldn’t handle by herself right now.

[color=1a7b30]“Blast it, I feel naked.”[/color] She muttered under her breath.

“You can look naked back in my quarters if you want.” A cocky voice of a passing smuggler who heard her became apparent and Jade immediately frowned.

[color=1a7b30]“Ew, no.”[/color]

“Pfft. Whatever, you’ll—” The man’s voice was cut off as another woman nearby, this one bearing an eyepatch, slammed her fist into the side of his head.


[color=7E84A1]“Don’t make this a problem.”[/color]

“...blast it.” The rude man stated as he wiped the blood dripping from his forehead before he scurried away.

[color=1a7b30]“Appreciate it, didn’t want to have to shoot him to get him to get the hint.”[/color]

[color=7EB8A4][i]How long has it been since you shot someone, Jade?[/i][/color]

Jade smirked as she looked over the woman. [color=1a7b30][i]No hello, M’gann? I was hoping for something a little warm after all we’ve been through together.[/i][/color]

Jade leaned against a wall as she looked over the woman, who was obviously her friend in disguise. Honestly, she wasn’t expecting to see her so soon let alone right out of the transport. At least this made things rather quick, but then again she was never a fan of telepathy despite her own empathic powers.

[color=7EB8A4][i]Yes, I know. Er.. follow me, we can talk somewhere… less crowded.[/i][/color]

[color=1a7b30][i]After you.[/i][/color]

It was a start, at least.