Moros sighed, Cecile had gotten quite a few packs for him but he didn't like changing his deck that much. It felt too much like he was betraying it. He had only put in two or three of the cards he actually got. Oh well, now was time for the tournament to start! Moros was already pumped up and he hadn't even started dueling yet. He stuck his deck into his disk and hopped on his bike making his way to the center of the tournament area and figuring he would work his way out from there. As he came to a halt to his surprise he didn't even have to look for someone as he was immediately challenged. "[color=yellow]Hey you, you're playing in the tournament right? If so then lets duel![/color]" his competitor said. Moros smiled eagerly, "[b]Of course I am, lets duel![/b]" [hider=Machine Menace VS Kingly Might] [i][u]Turn 1: Challenger[/u] Challenger 4000 LP: 6 cards Moros 4000 LP: 6 cards[/i] "[color=yellow]Since I challenged you, I'll start things off. I'll just set one monster facedown and end my turn[/color]" Moros shrugged, that was fine with him, he liked the defensive game just fine. [i][u]Turn 2: Moros[/u] Challenger 4000 LP: 5 cards, 1 set monster Moros 4000 LP: 7 cards[/i] "[b]Hmm, I think I'll just set one monster, one face-down, and end my turn.[/b]" Moros said placidly conducting his move. [i][u]Turn 3: Challenger[/u] Challenger 8000 LP: 6 cards, 1 set monster Moros 8000 LP: 5 cards, 1 set monster, 1 facedown[/i] "[color=yellow]Ha, now its my turn to go on the offensive. I flip up proto-cyber dragon, then normal summon another proto-cyber dragon. Now I'll use power-bond to fuse my two monsters on the field and the cyber dragon I have in my end to form the most powerful card ever, come forth and show me your power Cyber End Dragon![/color]" The young boy called out as the monsters roared and charged at each other swirling around each other. The distinct sound of an arch-welder and a blinding flash of light quickly revealed that they had merged toghether to form a monster of fearsome might [u][b]Cyber End Dragon[/b]: 4000 -> 8000 ATK[/u] "[color=yellow]Now, my dragon will utterly annihilate your face-down monster! And because of his effect when his ATK is bigger then your DEF you take the difference in damage![/color]" the youngster cried out triumphantly. For a moment Moros actually though he lost on the second turn... until he remembered his facedown. "[b]You got my monster alright but my LP are safe, because I activated the trap card Defensive Draw. When this card is activated I don't take any battle damage and I get to draw one card. In addition since you destroyed my Wightprince I can send a Lady In Wight and a Skull Servant to the graveyard.[/b]" "[color=yellow]Aw I guess I'll just end my turn now, oh wait, I'll activate Dian Ketio the Cure Master to make sure I survive powerbond's effect.[/color]" his challenger said quickly as his LP rose, then fell due to the 4000 damage. "[color=yellow]Phew[/color]" Challenger 4000 LP -> 5000 LP -> 1000 [i][u]Turn 4: Moros[/u] Challenger 1000 LP: 3 cards, 1 monster Moros 4000 LP: 7 cards[/i] "[b]Well you almost had me, but it looks like its game over.[/b]" Moros said confidently "[color=yellow]No way![/color]" The young challenger said in disbelief, "[color=yellow]I've got an 8000 atk monster on the field and you've got nothing, just how do you plan to win?[/color]" "Like this. First I use One for One to send the skull servant in my hand to the graveyard in order to summon a King Of Skull Servants from my deck!" The royal purple robed skeleton appeared on the battlefield, standing on top of his servants. [u][b]King Of Skull Servants[/b]: 4000 ATK[/u] "Big whoop, he has barely half my monster's attack!" "And now." Moros said cheerily ignoring the belittling, "I'll equip him with the spell card Opti-Camoflauge Armour, which lets him attack your LP directly, King Of Skull Servants, attack his LP directly with Undead Retribution!" Moros called out. His skeleton nodded and took a step back, the pile of bodies he had been standing on now stood up and charged forward in a massive mob right past the terrifying dragon and directly at his challenger, covering him in a pile of bones and reducing his LP to 0. Challenger 4000 LP -> 0 LP Duel Over: Victory -> Moros "[b]Hey don't feel bad.[/b]" Moros said to the clearly distraught kid, "[b]That was a really cool move you pulled off, I just got lucky to beat you. Here, have a dollar, there's a nice place a couple streets over that sells ice cream cones for a buck, treat yourself alright?[/b]" The kid who had been almost sniffling a little quickly brightened up, "[color=yellow]Thanks mister![/color]" He said cheerily and quickly went to spend his new gained cash. Moros grinned and waved the kid off, folding up his fearsome duel disk back into its skull shaped travel mode. As he began looking for new challengers he nearly tripped over something. Looking down he saw it was the box for a structure pack. He picked it up and viewed it, Cyber Dragons, it looked like the kid had just gotten his deck today. Hopefully he would have better luck later.[/hider]