[hider=Tag Champ VS The New Blood]Adrien had been been spending a relaxing day in the inner city when he noticed the signs for the tournament. Of course he would be entering into the tournament just like the others woud be. It was this same area he returned to for said tournament. It would be no fun if he started out near the school where all the other students from his school would be, o this would probably spice things up a bit, hopefully. "Duel disk... deck... extra deck... that's everything isn't it?" Amelia said to herself as she walked around the inner city. This was the first time she was entering a dueling tournament and dueling with other people. While she was certain she wouldn't do very well, she at least wanted to have fun and hopefully make some friends. Smiling, she walked around, looking for anyone who might be a possible opponent while occasionally stopping to watch other dueling that were going on around the city. While he wandered Adrien was a little surprised at the amount of people there were in this tournament. It was good to see, but still surprising. Then something he hadn't really seen since he was back home caught his eye. There was a young girl walking around, clearly not even old enough to be in middle school, and to top it off she had a duel disk? The true question here was whether or not she was just stepping onto the scene, or could she be a dueling prodigy? It wouldn't be the first time in history for that to happen, though the chances were highly unlikely. In either case it would definitely be a fun duel. If she wasn't the best then it would just be like back home helping the kids on the block gain some experience. If she was good then it would be a good start to this tournament. "Hey there, enjoying the sites?" Adrien said as he walked up to the small girl with a kind smile on his face, a rare occasion saved mostly for kids or his friends. Amelia had been watching a match between someone using Wind-Ups and another person using an Inscect deck when Adrien walked up to her and began talking. She jumped in surprise and quickly turned around to face the older boy, her face slightly red. "U-um... yeah. " She said in a low voice as she looked at the ground nervously."I'm supposed to be in the tournament that's going on but I have no idea what I'm doing. Are you in it as well?" Adrien chuckled a bit. "That I am. I'm guessing that this is your first tournamnet? By the way, you can call me Adrien, it's a pleasure to meet you." Adrien stuck his free hand out for a hand shake observing the girl. It was a bit obvious it was her first time at this sort of thing, but there was no need to be rude with a beginner. Everyone had to start somewhere. Now the question was how much potential did this girl have? Amelia nodded her head at Adrien's question before looking up when he held out his hand for her to shake. Smiling, she gently shook it. "I'm Amelia. Amelia Averyonna." She said before a puzzled look crossed her face."You don't sound like you're from around here. Are you from out of country?" A smile crossd Adrien's face once more. "Why indeed I am Amelia. My surname is Allaire, I'm actually from France. I go to school here though and want to expand my career internationally and eventually me and my sister will probably be at the top of the duel world. Of course I won't be such an egotistical person as to say I'll be the next King of Games. I'm more for the tag duel scene myself. But enough about my rambling. Tell me a bit about yourself Amelia." Amelia's face brightened a bit as Adrien explained who he was and his goals. However, it dropped when he asked about her. "There's nothing important to say about me. I'm just your average girl." She said."But it must be nice to have dreams. I have none because I can't have any." Adrien raised an eyebrow at Amelia. "And why wouldn't you be able to have any? Everyone has a dream or two up their sleeve! Whether it's to be the best duelist in the world, be half of the best tag team in the world, or even having the biggest collection of teddy bears! But everyone should have a goal, even you." Now Adrien had to admit his curiousity on this girl had been peaked and he would definitely have to duel her now. What better way to get to know someone? "It's nothing important." Amelia said before looking back up at Adrien."So you're in the tournament right? Do you want a duel?" "Hmmm, if you say so, and if you'd like to duel then it would be my pleasure Amelia." Adrien turned to walk to a good spot for himself for this duel but then looked back at her. "But I have one condition. If I win, you have to answer my question in more detail, if you win you get o ask me anything you'd like, and I will answer with complete honesty." Adrien offered before he went to his position. "Yipee!" Amelia said cheerfuly, actually doing a little jump of excitement. She watched as Adrien walked away before turning back to her and giving his conditions. Amelia bit her lip and thought it over for a second before nodding. She raised her light green duel disk with silver highlights as the green outlined blade appeared."Alright then. Whenever you're ready." Adrien dramatically raised his left arm and twisted it as his duel disk activated and he lowered it just as it finished clicking into place, the black highlights shimmering in the sun. He then continued to draw his five cards and then looked up at Amelia. "Well ladies first as always" he said pointing at her teasingly. A few feet from Adrien and Amelia's duel, Joshua spotted them and stopped. [i]That's one of the kids from the warehouse.[/i] He thought to himself as he glanced at Adrien's opponent. She seemed young but that only meant she had more potential and more time to grow. But that potential needed to be nurtured. Would her opponent help her or possibly ruin her. Time would tell and so would this duel. "The player who goes first doesn't draw so... hhhmmm." Amelia said, looking at her hand." First I activate Brain Reasearch Lab." Around Adrien and Amelia, a futuristic lab bathed in pale green light materialized around them. Behind Amelia was a giant glass container filled with liquid but nothing else for the time being. "Next I summon Krebons in attack mode and end my turn." A small humanoid creature that looked like a jester popped out infront of Amelia and laughed while dancing around and staring at Adrien. Adrien raised an eyebrow as he drew his card. "Well then, this should be fun if your using the Research Lab'. First off I'll summon one of my personal favorites 'The Black Stone of Legend'." The shimmering black rock rose from the ground in a flash of light. "Don't worry though, the less than intimidating card has a fun little ability. I get to tribute him," As Adrien spoke the rock began to shimmer. "and then I get to special summon any Red-Eyes card from my deck, and I think I'll choose the famed Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" The mighty dragon emerged from the stone roaring triumphently at the little jester and Amelia. "Now I'll activate a fun little card known as 'Dragon Heart'. This card requires me to send three dragons to the grave," Adrien grabbed his deck and chose three dragons and flashing them at Amelia and then swiftly putting them in the grave. [i]Another Red-Eyes user eh? Please don't tell me they have the same personality[/i] Joshua thought, growing worried now "Now that I've put my three dragons in the grave my Red-Eyes Black Dragon gains one thousand attack points, and he's going to use all three thousand four hundred to attack your little Krebons!" Adrien had a lot of charisma behind his voice as he declared all of this and his attack. For one he hadn't had a chance to pull off a lot of his best combos in a while, and secondly he wanted Amelia to see his true passion for the game, and for his cards. Krebons stood there as Red-Eyes fired a ball of fire at it. The jester held out it's hands and a green energy came out of them, wrapping around the ball and stopping it. The cheeky jester then began jungling it. "While Krebons is on the field, I can negate any attacks aimed at him." Amelia said as she watched her monster, laughing at the sight." Normally this ability would cost be a few hundred lifepoints but I have Brain Research Lab out, so I can use it for free. And my field spell gains a Brain Token." Krebons then threw the fireball away as a small brain was injected into the canister behind Amelia and floated in the liquid. Adrien smirked as his dragon's attack went back down to 2400. "In that case I'll set one card face down and then end my turn." "I'll draw then" Amelis said as she drew a card and considered her hand. She looked at her opponents face-down and frowned. She knew that could be a trap or a quick-play spell but she couldn't predict what it was. So she would have to take a risk. "I summon Pandaborg in attack mode!" She said as a... well a pandaborg appeared on her side of the field." Then, thanks to Brain Reasearch Lab, I sacrifice Pandaborg to summon out Overdrive Teleporter!" The Pandaborg vanished from her field only to be replaced by a tall, lean man dressed entirely in white, cybernetic clothing with purplish hair and a mask covering his face. Behind Amelia, another brain entered the canister behind her. "Next I use Overdrive Teleporters ability and summoned two level three monsters from my deck to the field." Amelia said. The man held out his hands and two portals appeared on the ground as Amelia's duel disk ejected two cards from her deck." Normally this would cost me 2000 lifepoints but thanks to Brain Research Lab, it's entirely free. So without further adieu I special summon Mind Protector and Psychic Commander!" From the portals, a small green man in a UFO with a cannon as big as the craft and a small yellow creature with hands the size of it's body appeared. "Now, I Tune the level 3 Psychic Commander with the level 6 Overdrive Teleporter to Synchro Summon the level 9 Hyper Psychic Blaster!" The two monsters rose into the air and Psychic commander turned into 3 balls of light that moved over to Overdrive teleporter, becoming rings that surrounded the man in the process. Teleporter turned transpartent with six lights inside of him before a bright flash of light occured. From the light decended what looked like a pure white mechanical man equiped with two blasters, one black and one white, landed on the ground in front of Amelia, sporting an impressive 3000 attack points. [i]Not bad. She was able to bring out an impressive monster with little effort. But I would beware that face down. If it's Mirror Force or Storming Mirror Force, she's in for a world of hurt.[/i] Joshua thought to himself. "Now I'll tune the level 2 Krebons with the level 3 Mind Protector to Synchro Summon the level 5 Magical Android!" Amelia said, as the same process occured only this time the monster to appear was a lady with long red hair and equiped with a a curved sword and a wierd shield. Adrien tilted his head slightly to observe things from a slightly different angle. This definitely wasn't bad for a kid her age, not to mention the cards she had weren't that of a some random kid who had scrounged together a deck. Adrien once more let a smirk creep onto his face. "Not bad Amelia, but the question is, will these monsters really be enough...?" Adrien offered still intrigued with who Amelia seemed to be. "Only one way to find out, right? Hyper Psychic Blaster, attack Red-Eye's Black Dragon!" Amelia said, as her monster raised it's black blaster and fired at the dragon, aiming for it's head. Adrien raised his hand out as a trap revealed itself. "I think not Amelia. I activate Negate Attack, which will not only negate your attempt, but will instantly end the battle phase as well!" Adrien let out a small chuckle. This was fun, and definitely not too intense like a lot of other duels he'd been in, at least not so far. "Aaaaahhhh, no fair!" Amelia said, pouting a bit."Well then, I'll end my turn. And thanks to Magical Android, I gain 600 lifepoints for each Psychic-type monster on my field, including herself." "Even if the attack failed, since her field was still full, she still got something from it. On top of that, it pressures him to get rid of that android." Joshua muttered to himself, slightly amused by this. No damage had been dealt yet but the girl held the lead in numbers and lifepoints. However, if that lab got hit, he knew the game could change drastically. Smiling gladly drew his next card and then had a good chuckle. "Well I suppose this'll have to do for now. First I'll play a fun little card known as Card of Spell Containment. This allows me to draw two new cards." Adrien then drew his cards still smiling. Of course what he didn't say was that the card itself also stops him from setting any spell or traps, plus he can't use any spell cards this turn. "Next I'll summon one of my personal favorites, Blizzard Dragon!" The young dragon came out screeching defiantly. "Next I think I'll use his special ability on your lovely Hyper Psychic Blaster!" The small white dragon blew a frost wind over the targeted monster leaving a thin sheet of ice over it. "In case you're wondering this means that your monster won't be able to attack me next turn, and that means I can also go ahead and have some fun. Now Red-Eyes Black Dragon, I think that Android has over stayed it's welcome, how about you show it to the graveyard!" Adrien pointed at the target for his Red-Eyes knowing full well it would be destroyed as well. Amelia frowned as was less the happy to see her Blaster Frozen and her Android destroyed but Adrien's Red-eyes was gone now as well. "My move then?" She asked Adrien crossed his arms smiling and nodded. "Alright then." Amelia said, drawing a card. She only had three cards now, but she had to make it count" With help from Brain Research Lab, I summon another Pandaborg and Psychic Commander. I then tune Psychic Commander with Pandaborg to Synchro Summon Psychic Life Trancer!" A young girl with midnight blach hair and skin of a slightly green hue showed up on her field. the odd part about this girl were the mechanic augmentations on the left side of her body, including an entirely mechanical arm and leg. "Now I use her ability. I banish Magical Android from my Graveyard to gain 1200 lifepoints." Amelia said. Lifetrancer held up her regular arm and held it out to Amelia, causing golden lights to surround and enter the young girl as her lifepoints went up."And with that done, Lifetrancer attacks your Blizzard Dragon!" This time Lifetrancer held up her mechanical arm and summoned a black orb of time-space energy, which it flung at the small dragon. Adrien closed his eyes his smile not wavering one bit as his small, but faithful dragon shattered and he lost 600 life points. "I guess that means it's back to me then?" Adrien asked his eyes slowly opening and his smile widening as he drew his card. "You know Amelia, your actually not too shabby for someone your age, so I think I'll give you a real treat today. So first I'm going to ask you a question. What are the three rarest dragons you can think of in all of Duel Monsters?" "... Stardust?" Amelia asked. Adrien shook his head. "I'm not talking about those dragons...I mean the ones that aren't bound to someone, the ones that are rare to find, to obtain. Any guesses?" Amelia shook her head, as she was rather unfamilair with monsters outside of her own or really famous ones. "Then I guess it's my lucky day then. First I'll direct you to my last turn. Note that I purposely sacrificed my Red-Eyes Black Dragon. This is because one of the rare dragons has a rather tedious requirement. You see the only way you can summon him is by having three dark monsters in the graveyard. And that's exactly what sacrificing my Red-Eyes did. Now welcome my rarest card, Dark Armed Dragon!" Adrien raised his arm before dramatically throwing the card onto his duel disk. After that the ground shook ferociously as metal dragon smashed into the ground from the sky above and roared in all its might and glory causing the earth beneath them to shake even further. Amelia looked up at the dragon as it emerged from the ground and gulped. It's attack points were higher then a vast majority of her monsters. In fact, the only one that could beat it was Hyper Psychic Blaster. But she had a feeling that was not going to happen anytime soon. However, it was obvious the dragon scared the girl slightly, despite it just being a hologram. "Hey Amelia!" Adrien called out to the small and now frightened girl. "You should probably take note of this next part because this is why he's such a rare and amazing creature. Now I just banish one of my lovely Red-Eyes in my grave from the game, and now that lovely lab you used so heavily is blown to bits by my monsters ability!" Amelia let out scream as her lab was blown up by the dragon, the massive explosion causing her lifepoints to rocket down from 6400 to a mere 1400 points, the shockwave knocking her to the ground. She got back onto her feet, hoping he couldn't use the same trick more then once. "Hey Amelia, I hope you haven't stopped with those notes, because now I can take these other two dark monsters out of my grave and remove them from the game and you can say good bye to our two monsters too while you're at it." It was always fun to use his Dark Armed Dragon, plus his love for the game normally came out heavily when playing with those that were young, or those close to him, thus he was happier than ever, and his smile resembled that. After Dark armed had taken care of Amelia's monsters Adrien stood sideways and pointed at Amelia with a mostly open hand with a couple fingers directed at her. "Now Dark Armed Dragon, end this duel!" Amelia watched as Dark-Armed Dragon's arm came down at her and took away the rest of her lifepoints in one blow. As her duel disk deactivated, she pulled out her deck and looked at it. "In the end, I couldn't do anything. Not a single thing." she said, her tone a bit upset. Adrien walked up to Amelia as his dragon disappeared and sighed but still had a smile on his face. "Hey Amelia. You did really good you know." Adrien said at first as he offered his hand out for a handshake. "Not a lot of people your age could pull off dueling as well as you did." "But I barely did any damage to you and you completely destroyed me." Amelia said. "A duel is about more then damage." Joshua said, walking over. "You know your cards and you're capable of comboing them. Infact, I would say you have the potential to go very far in this tournament with your combo skills. If I may, what was the last card in your hand?" "Emergency Teleport." Amelia said sullenly. "Truely a tough situation. But your opponent got lucky and simply drew a highly limited card when he needed it." Joshua said, thinking. "But outside of that, you had him on the ropes most of the duel. So take it as a victory if you ask me. Don't you agree, Mister Red-Eyes?" Adrien chuckled rubbing his head. "I hate the term lucky, but that's about it in a nutshell I'd say. Not to mention the fact that not most people can pull off a good synchro deck, and yours is already on it's way to being a top of the line synchro deck from what I can tell. In fact I might have some ideas to help you out with it, well I mean technically my sister would be better than me at the whole synchro thing, but I'm sure I could manage a few ideas of my own!" "You have a... oh dear god, please tell me your sister isn't who I think it is." Joshua said, a pain look crossing his face 'Huh. You know Cécile? Yeah me and her are tag team champs back in France! She and I own most of the worlds Red-Eyes Black Dragons as a team-: "Oh just shut up." Joshua interupted."I can understand why you two were deported. your sister is such a sadistic and condescending... nevermind, there are children here. I cannot say whatever I wish." Adrien rubbed the back of his head and laughed a bit nervously. "I'm gonna guess you saw her dueling Megumi? Or maybe it was one of the other ones? In any event she's really not as bad as you probably think." Adrien kept laughing a bit to avoid the issue he'd dealt with more than once thanks to his sister. "In any case, she's hardly champion material. I'd place money on me beating her." Joshua said before looking back at Adrien." At least you seem respectful. Better then some pros I've fought but worse then others. Given time, you might be worthy of being at the top, both because of your skills and your character. Still, if you want to prove that to me, maybe you can watch over the young lady here and help her improve." Adrien smirked. "While it might be something I do back home a lot, it's not really up to me. It's her decision on whether or not she wants my help, oh and for the record, as much as you probably don't want to hear it. She might be one of the rudest people you've met when it comes to dueling, and one of the most heartless, Cécile is going to make it to the top. She'll definitely make it there before I do, and for that matter I'd peg my money on her getting there before anyone at our academy does. But anyway. Amelia, what do ya say to dealing with me for awhile?" "I have no doubt she'll make it, the question is for how long. Her reputation as a person will be down the gutter in no time and she might find that no one will challenge her because of her toxicity." Joshua said. "In other words, even if she reaches and remains at the top, whether she'll be acknowledged and recognized as one of the best of our time is another story." Amelia listened to both of the older boys as they talked. when Adrien adressed her again and asked if she would be willing to join him, she nodded. "If you're willing to put up with me." She said. "You might want to use your better deck though." Joshua said off handedly. Adrien put a hand on Amelia's head and chuckled a bit. "I've dealt with far worse than you, this'll be fun!" Adrien said for a small pep talk of random proportion. "Oh and by the way," Adrien took his hand off Amelia's head and held it out to Joshua. "I'm Adrien. Adrien Allaire. Joshua shook Adrien's hand when it was offered to him. "Joshua Tamashii. Wondering duelist." He said." If you're up for it, I'm up for dueling you sometime. I'm in this tournament too." Adrien raised an eyebrow and turned to Amelia. "What do you think Amelia? Should I show Mr. Tamashii, the Wondering Duelist, a good time? Maybe show him a new trick or two?" Adrien winked at Amelia jokingly. "I think you'll find me harder to take down." Joshua said. "I'm more then willing to watch." Amelia said. "Alright then." Joshua said before moving away from the two. He put on his duel disk, a black thing is silver highlights before pulling out two decks. He considered them before selecting one and placing it in his disk."Ready?" Adrien shuffled his deck and then inserted it into his duel disk. "I suppose I better be." Adrien said with a smirk as he raised his duel disk once more.[/hider]