Jake grabbed the guitar as it was handed back to him and sat it back down by the piano as Ryva walked over and ran her hand on the keys looking like she was about to play.Jake sat on the edge of the piaona whilst Ryva tickled the ivorys,just listening to it relaxed him and he felt as though he was at peace for the first time in his life for even his own music didnt bring him peace it just released stress and pain from his past in lyrical form. As soon as the melody was done Jake looked at Ryva with a slight smile on his face and said [color=Red]"How long have you been playing piano?I've been playing piano for 4 years and I have never heard an electronic melody adapted and made so ellegant."[/color] Jake couldnt help but grab his guitar and say [color=Red]"You played me a song so I'll play one for you."[/color] He put his pick down and strummed his guitar to tune check and thought to himself [color=Lightcoral]'What should I play I cannot come close to the masterfull tune Ryva had aced but I must do my best.I could play I'm yours by Jason Moraz....no no no no no no no no I can say I do feel a connection with Ryva but I can't say if she does and it would make me look like even more of an ass then I've already been to her and thats the last thing I wish to do.How about something about past present and future something?I can only think of one off the top of my head so I go with it'[/color] Jake puts down his guitar carefully then sits next to Ryva on the bench and gets kinda nervous siting close to her but the nervousness goes away when his fingers touch the keys.Jake closes his eyes with his hands on the keys and smiles then he starts playing and singing [youtube]http://youtu.be/B-He6EzP5zY[/youtube]