[quote=@Satoshi Kyou] i have no objections on the dorm placements though i do admit having us split in 3 dorms can become a chore when certain people end up becoming friends but it does make sure we have at least someone to interact with in the same dorm\ though i do have to say i kinda cheated and made my character lose. even though the draws were actually good in my characters eyes i suppose no risks should be taken oh yeah my laptop kinda got water all over it so i wont be very active [/quote] I'll be your Bastion anyday. [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0eh57MxVt1r0e55fo1_r2_500.gif[/img] Why was this the only gif I could find of him though. That kids is why Dark Strike Fighter was banned AND errata'd. Also, I was mainly asking since I didn't want to just chain post. It always feels just...weird to me.