[hider=The Hero slaying the Red-Eyes Black Dragons] Cécile had found a nice fountain to sit at as she opened a single pack. She had gone to the store to get Moros some new material, but she couldn't help but buying one for herself. It just seemed, well it seemed right. As she looked through the pack she saw one or two that might come in handy, but then the last one was a bit...odd. She'd never seen or heard of it before, but it definitely was in her hand, but parts of the whole card didn't seem right. But she could just tell it was meant to be hers. She took out her deck and put in the new card and then put her deck into the custom duel disk and smirked as she looked up at the sky. This was definitely going to be a good day. Megumi was looking around, and came to the realization that she was lost. She didn't recognize her surroundings, and wondered if she shouldn't have taken that last turn. She continued walking in the hopes that she would find something familiar, or maybe find a Duelist to beat in the tournament. However, there didn't seem to be anyone on the path she was taking. Sighing, she continued walking until she found a fountain, and there seemed to be someone behind it. Making her way around it, Megumi found someone she was certainly not expecting. "Cécile!" Megumi greeted happily. "Huh?" Cécile looked back down from the sky to see one Megumi coming towards her. "Oh, hey there Megumi, how goes the start of our lovely day for you?" Cécile called out, her accent a bit thicker than usual today. "Not much today," Megumi responded. "No one around to Duel." Megumi was silent for a bit, then asked, "How about you? You wanna Duel?" Megumi lifted up her Duel Disk and continued, "I still have a score to settle with you." Cécile giggled. "I suppose you do, but are you sure you can handle it?" Cécile teased, raising her custom Red-Eyes duel disk in its unready, but still threatening enough, position. "After all, I did win pretty badly next time and I'm not sure that's the best way to start off a tournament. Plus I hear you've been on a bit of a winning streak lately!" Cécile offered in an almost congradulatory way. "That's because I'm not the same girl you defeated last time," Megumi said, proud to have earned that streak. "I even managed to beat Alex and his Spell Counters. You won't beat me this time," Megumi said confidently. Cécile put her usual cofident smirk on. "If you say so Megumi, but when I break that beautiful, yet fragile, streak of yours, please don't go around telling everyone I didn't warn you." Cécile rose as she said this and also brought up her arm to where it was diagonal compared to her body as her Red-Eyes Duel Disk activated in all its menace and the red glows slowly appeared on it. "Now then, I'll let you make the first move." [b]Turn 1: Megumi[/b] Megumi: 4000 LP, 5 cards Cecile: 4000 LP, 5 cards "Duel!" Megumi yelled, drawing her first five cards. After examining her hand, Megumi declared, "I activate the Spell card: Upstart Goblin! I draw 1 card, and you gain 1000 Life Points." [b]Cecile - 4000 LP --> 5000 LP[/b] "Then I place 3 cards face down, and Summon Cardcar D," Megumi said, a blue car appearing on her field. [b]Cardcar D - Level 2, ATK 800[/b] "By Tributing Cardcar D, I get to draw 2 cards, but then it becomes the End Phase," Megumi explained, the car zooming away before disappearing. Megumi drew her two cards, then said, "Turn End." [b]Turn 2: Cecile[/b] Megumi: 4000 LP, 3 cards / 0 Mon / 3 S/T Cecile: 5000 LP, 6 cards Cécile drew her card and glanced at her hand before looking back up. "Well, looks like we're going to have some fun with this one, Megumi. First off, I'll introduce you to one of my cards you should be very familiar with: The Black Stone of Legend!" Cécile giggled a little bit. "Can you guess what happens next?" [b]The Black Stone of Legend - Level 1, ATK 0[/b] "Hmph, I know what it does," Megumi said as she scowled. She remembered all too well what happened the last time. Cécile grinned. "Excellent! Then please give a warm welcome to my good friend Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Cécile threw her arm up as the dragon burst from the Black Stone roaring. "He's been dying to see you again Megumi, and to show his happiness I think he'll go ahead and take a chunk out of your Life Points now!" [b]Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Level 7, ATK 2400[/b] As the black flames were shot towards Megumi, she countered, "I Special Summon Battle Fader from my hand in Defense mode!" A black device appeared in front of Megumi, swinging its pendulum-like arm and forcing the black flames to disappear. "When you declare a direct attack, I can Special Summon this and end the Battle Phase." [b]Battle Fader - Level 1, DEF 0[/b] Cécile frowned slightly. "Cute, real cute, but that won't completely save you. See Megumi, you're not the only one who's upgraded their deck since we faced last, and I'd just hate to see you have a sacrifice ready and waiting, or some petty wall to hide behind, so I think I'll play my Dragon's Gunfire. This card allows me to destroy one face up monster you control with up to eight hundred defense points, and I think you know what that means." Cécile grinned as she played the card and then pointed at Fader. "Say good bye to your only defense!" Megumi braced herself for the resulting blast that destroyed Battle Fader. "When Battle Fader leaves the field, it gets banished instead of getting sent to the Graveyard," Megumi explained, placing the card in her pocket. Cécile giggled softly. "Well it was nice seeing him for that short little time. Now I know you're hoping I was done, but I'm not! Next I'm gonna use this little guy's ability. He's known as Black Metal Dragon. Cute, isn't he?" Cécile taunted. Now the way this works is that I get to equip him to my Red-Eyes Black Dragon and now Red-Eyes gets a nice little boost of six hundred. Isn't it great? But wait, I'm also going to leave these two facedowns just to keep you company too!" [b]Red-Eyes Black Dragon - ATK 2400 --> ATK 3000[/b] [b]Turn 3: Megumi[/b] Megumi: 4000 LP, 3 cards / 0 Mon / 3 S/T Cecile: 5000 LP, 1 cards / 1 Mon / 3 S/T "Draw!" Megumi yelled as she drew her next card. Examining it along with the rest of her hand, she knew what to do next. "By Banishing Upstart Goblin from my Graveyard, I Special Summon Spell Stryker from my hand!" Megumi declared, the little wizard with a viking hat appearing on the field. [b]Spell Stryker - Level 3, ATK 600[/b] Cécile blinked a few times. "Um, Megumi...You know that think won't touch my dragon...Right...?" Cécile taunted lightly. "Which is why I'm Tributing it to Summon Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6!" Megumi continued, undaunted. The reddish, metallic dragon appeared on the field, screeching loudly. [b]Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 - Level 6, ATK 2300[/b] Cécile shook her head. "Please tell me you have something to boost that card, or I might be a little disappointed..." Cécile continued to tease. Still unfazed, Megumi continued, "Now I activate the Spell card: Level Up! This upgrades my Horus to LV8!" The dragon then began to glow, its silouette growing larger, being replaced by a larger and more threatening dragon. [b]Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 - Level 8, ATK 3000[/b] Cécile smiled. "See, now that's more like it. No doubt proving dragons are superior to everything as usual." Now Megumi took the time to ponder her next move. Her Horus proved to be a formidible threat, but against the powered-up Red-Eyes, it would only end in a stalemate. Then she remembered a face down she had. "Go Horus, attack her Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Megumi commanded, the metallic dragon firing a black stream of its own fire. "I also activate a face down: Forbidden Dress! This card decreases a monster's ATK by 600, and makes it unable to be targeted or destroyed by card effects. Of course, I choose your Red-Eyes!" Megumi said. Cécile smirked and raised a single finger and wagged it side to side. "As cute as this attempt is, I think my Negate Attack has something to say about it." Cécile smirk never ended as the trap revealed itself. Red-Eyes had its ATK lowered, but the black stream of fire was absorbed into a swirling vortex, leaving Red-Eyes unscathed. Megumi scowled, then said, "At the End Phase, Red-Eyes' ATK returns to normal." [b]Turn 4: Cecile[/b] Megumi: 4000 LP, 0 cards / 1 Mon / 2 S/T Cecile: 5000 LP, 2 cards / 1 Mon / 2 S/T "Awww pity." Cécile playfully pouted. "It was a nice try though Megumi, but you should know by now I never let my enemies destroy my beloved Red-Eyes! Now then I think I'll have some fun with this by drawing, and now Red-Eyes, let's get rid of that Horus, shall we?" The two dragons unleashed their fire at each other, only for both to destroy each other in the process. "Now for my second trick, I'll activate the Trap card known as Red-Eyes Spirit, this will let me bring back my Red-Eyes-" "I won't let you! I activate my own Trap card: Royal Decree!" Megumi countered. "This negates all other Trap card effects on the field." "What a shame, too bad for you I still get the effect of my Black Metal Dragon, which allows me to choose any Red-Eyes card in my deck and bring it to my hand, oh and I think I'll choose this one right here, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon!" The grin on Cécile's face grew slightly dark as she showed Megumi the card. "Next I guess I won't get to attack with them this turn or anything, but I'll Summon this lovely Blizzard Dragon. Sadly he won't be sticking around like usual because I'll be banishing him so you can finally witness the might of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon!" Cécile played the card with excessive assertiveness and confidence. Finally the metalic roars could be heard from a great distance as the dragon lowered to the ground from above. "Following this, I just have to say once more that you won't keep my dragons down Megumi. Using Metal's Effect I can finally resurrect my great and powerful Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" The Red-Eyes Black Dragon rose from the ground and roared in triumph once more as it stared down Megumi. "I suppose it's your turn now Megumi." Cécile folded her arms confidently, and as usual held that same confident smirk. [b]Turn 5: Megumi[/b] Megumi: 4000 LP, 1 cards / 0 Mon / 2 S/T Cecile: 5000 LP, 1 cards / 2 Mon / 0 S/T "Draw!" Megumi yelled as she drew her next card. It wasn't much now, but perhaps it may come in handy. "I Set one monster, and end my turn." [b]Turn 6: Cecile[/b] Megumi: 4000 LP, 0 cards / 1 Mon / 2 S/T Cecile: 5000 LP, 2 cards / 2 Mon / 0 S/T Cécile giggled a bit darkly. "Megumi, you showed so much promise! Where did it all go? Come now, tell me you aren't giving up already!" Cécile taunted once more. "We'll see who'll be giving up after this turn!" Megumi yelled back. Cécile smiled. "Well I guarantee it won't be this second Red-Eyes I get to Summon thanks to my Metal's effect," Cécile giggled as she played the card from her hand and the second Red-Eyes Black Dragon rose up roaring defiantly. "Now Red-Eyes Black Dragon, destroy that monster she's trying to hide!" As the monster was destroyed, Megumi showed a wide grin. "The monster you just destroyed was Graydle Alligator, and I get to activate its effect! When it's destroy by battle or Spell effect, I can attach it to one of your monsters and take control of it! Of course, I choose your Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon!" The half-petrified alligator appeared next to Royal Decree, and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon moved over to Megumi's side of the field to face Cecile. Cécile smirked. "Cute trick, I'll give you that. I suppose I'll just have to Xyz Summon my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon using my two Red-Eyes Black Dragons then and call it a turn." "During your End Phase, I activate my face-down: Scapegoat!" Megumi declared, 4 differently colored sheep appearing in front of Megumi. Cécile shook her head. "So quick to forget Flare's ability? Say good bye to five hundred Life Points. Come now Megumi, let's not slip up here!" Cécile chided. Megumi raised her arms in front of her to shield herself from the flames. She knew she was taking a risk by even just activating Scapegoat. However, she trusted her deck, and she was hoping for the one card that could save her. [b]Turn 6: Megumi[/b] Megumi: 3500 LP, 1 cards / 1 Mon / 2 S/T Cecile: 5000 LP, 1 cards / 1 Mon / 0 S/T "Draw!" Megumi yelled, more loudly than usual. Seeing her next card, Megumi was a little disappointed, but it gave her a second chance. "I play Upstart Goblin, allowing me to draw 1 card and giving you 1000 Life Points," Megumi explained, then taking another black fireball from Flare Metal Dragon's effect. [b]Megumi - 3500 LP --> 3000 LP[/b] [b]Cécile - 5000 LP --> 6000 LP[/b] After examining her next card, she grinned from ear to ear. "I Tribute three of my Scapegoat tokens to Special Summon my most powerful monster!" Megumi declared. "Strike fear into your foes, and let none oppose you! Take their power and use it as your own! Arise, 'Destiny HERO - Plasma'!" Megumi chanted, the purple-armored man appearing on the field. [b]Destiny HERO - Plasma - Level 8, ATK 1900[/b] "I activate Plasma's effect! I can target one of your monsters and have Plasma absorb it, and of course I choose Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon!" Megumi said, Plasma spreading his wings and forcing the dragon to be pulled into his wings. The dragon struggled under the membrane for a second before sinking back down. "Plasma gains half of the absorbed monster's ATK," Megumi explained further. [b]Destiny HERO - Plasma - ATK 1900 --> ATK 3300[/b] "Finally, I'll use the effect of the Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon you so kindly gave me to Special Summon Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6," Megumi said mockingly, the metallic dragon appearing on the field once more. [b]Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 - Level 6, ATK 2300[/b] "Now, let's start the Battle Phase!" Megumi said. "Horus, attack Cecile directly!" The reddish metallic dragon fired a black fireball, taking a chunk out of Cecile's Life Points. [b]Cecile - 6000 LP --> 3700 LP[/b] "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, direct attack!" Megumi commanded, the black metallic dragon firing its own black fireball as well. [b]Cecile - 3700 LP --> 900 LP[/b] "Finally, Destiny HERO - Plasma! Strike her down with Blood Fears!" Megumi commanded. Plasma spread his wings, and fired a barrage of what appeared to be drops of blood. [b]Cecile - 900 LP --> 0 LP[/b] Cécile had raised her arm to protect herself from the barrage of attacks and finally lowered it when it was over and gave Megumi a friendly warm smile. Megumi began panting after the attacks were over and the monsters disappeared. It was so exciting to see the monsters attack, and for Megumi to deal so much damage in so little time. As the smoke cleared away, though, Megumi saw Cécile smilimg. Megumi then saw fit to smile as well, and even wave at her. "I won!" Megumi cheered happily. "Not bad Megumi, I'm glad you've gotten better." Cécile closed her eyes and started to turn. "Keep that up and you might even make it into the top tier of the school like me." Cécile kept smiling at Megumi before turning and wakling away. As she walked away though, the last card in her hand gleamed just long enough for Megumi to see it as she walked off and started to put her cards away. "I'll see you later, Megumi!" She called out over her shoulder. Megumi waved goodbye, but slowly stopped after catching a glimpse on that gleaming card in Cecile's hand before it was put away. She didn't know how to feel now. Pondering it for a bit, she then realized that she was still lost. She looked around for a few seconds in panic, then realized that things started to look familiar again. Megumi then ran off in a different direction, glad to not be lost anymore. [/hider]