[@KaiserElectric] By the time Zaidra arrived, the common room was undoubtedly full of students of all kinds of shapes and sizes. Just about the entire demographic she could label as "peers" were busy engaged in conversation in one another, all curious about each other's cultures, quirks, and bodies. Except for the aloof humanoid, one that could be decidedly feminine at a glance. Its shape was relatively similar, if not strikingly so, to that of a regular human's, but it had skin likened to smoldering coals, and eyes that glowered like twin lamps. One would almost say "demon" or imp, but its face wasn't contorted into an everlasting sneer. On the contrary, there was always a small, easy smile, perhaps derived from indulging in the fact there no apparent conflicts...as of yet. The only issue that the being posed was that of gender, so would it be prudent to make an inquiry? [@joshua tamashii] As Amelia was taking all the scents, a particularly foul one came up to her nose. From what she could discern, the scent was that of salt and iron. The smell belonged to a humanoid creature that, while boasting no extra body parts that would distinguish it from any other homo sapien, looked incredibly strange with its literally coal-black skin and amber eyes. For a moment, one could consider goblin or imp as possible races, but with a feminine face that would suggest it was more human than not, there was a sort of ambiguity as to what exactly the creature was. The only memorable impression, though, was an incredibly musky whiff of something after all the iron and salt smells adjusted in her nose. Something that screamed lust to an extreme. My my, was this an incubus?