[h3]Adeline[/h3] Adeline was quite happily enjoying herself listening in on the two mythics discussing around her in such a playful manner. This was so cool, although Adeline did wish that Mali wouldn’t pinch her cheek so hard. It was starting to get a little bit painful. [color=f26522]“If you do could I take a picture!”[/color] A phone appearing in her hand at almost exactly the same time. [color=f26522]“Oh, and I’m Adeline by the way.”[/color] Following after the pair of them with an excited spring in her step a little flag propped up in Adeline’s head. She wasn’t certain if it was a very important flag, but it did bring up one of the few concerns Adeline felt she should address immediately. [color=f26522]“Unless, like, taking pictures of you does something back like trapping you in a picture or something?”[/color] The scene from some old ghost movie came to mind. [color=f26522]“Actually wouldn’t that be pretty cool? Because then you could go through the internet and stuff and be anywhere."[/color] [color=f26522]"Do you guys get internet where you are? Oh my gosh do you have like a facebook sort of thing where you can meet other mythics and stuff?"[/color] Adeline continued. [h3] Joan[/h3] Joan rolled his eyes with a sigh. Dealing with Adeline was starting to wear on his nerves and not for the first time that day either, he was reminded with the lyrics of that Song she’d insisted on playing in the car on the way up rudely popping into his thoughts. On the plus side Adeline had taken the heavy suitcases with her rather than leaving him to take care of them. With a tap on his tail drawing his attention from down below Joan was quite surprised with who he saw. [color=0072bc]“Uh, no actually.”[/color] He replied to the little dragon. [color=0072bc]“I’m not from the sea, although I do sometimes visit family there occasionally but I can’t really breathe sea water all the well. Makes my gills itch slightly.”[/color] Rolling along after all the other students and bags on his lap Joan was given some time to look over the buildings around him. Human buildings fascinated Joan, but they also intimidated him to some degree possibly due to how they often stood so high out of reach without going into them. Joan himself was more used to simply swimming up to higher places within the lake without any need to actually go into the caves first in some way. [@gaudi][@Antarctic Termite]