[Center][b]Ryan Alon: [color=fff200]Warakuma High[/color][/b][/center] Ryan walked around the school with a frown on his face. Midterms were coming up soon and he still wasn't completely ready for them. More studying would be needed. Looks like he would have to skip Anime and Manga club, he was really behind. He actually got questions wrong when the teacher called on him in class! Absolutely disgraceful. He would have to make it up by studying even more. Ryan walked out of the school and headed to the library to study some more. [Center][b]Ryan Alon: [color=fff200]Warakuma Public Library[/color][/b][/center] Ryan walked into the library and sat down at the nearest table. He took out his book on Japanese and began studying hard. He looked around and saw a few people, nobody too special. Ryan shook his head and got back to studying. This was his toughest subject after all.