[color=8882be][h3]Malinal[/h3][/color] The human was adding her own cheery prattle to the general din of chitchat, although Mali didn't jump to respond, for a little while. Not for exclusion's sake- The excitability of having a few voices colliding and dissociating with the natural flow of the topic seemed to her by far the most entertaining form of conversation- But because her grasp of the lingo wasn't quite snappy enough to keep up very far past '[color=f26522][i]I'm Adeline[/i][/color]'. She loved the idea of photography, from the sporadic occasions when her sisters puzzled out a way to charge Tamoanchan's scant communal phones, though she failed to recognise what Adeline had meant by 'Take a picture'. Her grip on the idea of an Internet had some similar gaps, but she couldn't ignore an obvious question. [color=8882be]"Mm, nah, we never set up the infrastructure, though someone managed to take down a passing satellite once. The Mother wants us to stay independent. [i]Most[/i] non-human clades are pretty isolat[i]are you practicing photography?[/i]"[/color] The sight of a moving picture of the ground on the screen of Adeline's phone tipped Mali into understanding. She threw an arm around Adeline with gusto and pressed her free hand against her other cheek, fingers curled into a loose sign of horns. [color=8882be]"Selfie? Selfie! Before the battery dies!"[/color] She beckoned from around Adeline's shoulder. [color=8882be]"Aelonya, come into the frame! Please?"[/color] [@Arty Fox][@gaudi]